Google map around Tsukuba Center and KEK

General information

Bus from Narita airport to Tsukuba Center

We note that the seat reservation is required to go to the Narita airport
from Tsukuba Center. Please let us know if you need the reservation.

Bus from Tsukuba Center (station) to KEK

Shuttle Bus from OKURA Frontier Hotel to KEK

March 12 in the morning
  9:25 depart from OKURA Frontier Hotel Epochal
  9:30 depart from OKURA Frontier Hotel Honkan
March 13, 14 in the morning
  8:15 depart from OKURA Frontier Hotel Epochal
  8:20 depart from OKURA Frontier Hotel Honkan
March 12 in the evening
  21:15 depart from KEK International Center

March 13 in the evening
  21:00 depart from KEK International Center