

The registration desk is open from 9:30 on March 12 (Wed).
The registration fee is 3,000 yen. Only cash is accepted and will be
collected at the registration desk. You may get your name tag and
receipt. Please return the name tag after the conference.

Reception and Banquet:

A reception party is held on the 1st day (2500 yen) and a banquet
on the 2nd day (3500 yen) at the Lounge 2 located in the building
of the User's Office. The fees of these parties will be collected
at the registration desk by cash. Tickets and receipts will be issued.

Oral presentation:

A liquid crystal display (LCD) projector is available. We will collect
your talk files (ppt or pdf) after presentations in our USB memory.
We are also planning to take a video of talks. These are going to be
uploaded on our website.

KEK dormitory:

Key: The key can be received at the entrance of the KEK dormitory
       till 22:00 and at the information center after 22:00.
Charge: The dormitory charge will be withheld from the travel support
            if you receive the support from KEK. If you do not have the
            support from KEK, the charge should be paid at the User's Office
            located behind the information center. The User's Ofiice
            is open from 9:00 to 17:00.


To use the wireless LAN, you need to apply for it in advance
according to this procedure.


The weather information is available, for example, from here.

Currency Exchange: 

We recommend you to exchange your money into Japanese Yens
at a Currency Exchange counter at the Airport on your arrival. The
information is available from here.