
                KEK Cosmophysics Group Inaugural Conference

                      Accelerators in the Universe

          Interplay between High Energy Physics and Cosmophysics -

                     12 (Wed) - 14 (Fri) March 2008
                           KEK, Tsukuba, Japan
                        Seminar Hall, 1F Building 3

                    URL: http://www-conf.kek.jp/AIU08/

                       First Circular (17 Dec. 2007)


The Institute of Particle and Nuclear Studies in KEK (High Energy
Accelerator Research Organization) has created a new research group
for theoretical studies of high energy cosmophysics as the integrated
field of astrophysics, gravitational physics and cosmology this year.
The main mission of the group is to challenge fundamental unsolved
problems in cosmophysics that can be solved only through interplays
among fundamental physics, high energy physics and cosmophysics and
eventually to make experimental and observational proposals for the
discovery of novel aspects of Nature.

This cosmophysics group is going to hold the inaugural conference in
March 2008. The main purpose is to overview the present status and
future prospects of high energy cosmophysics with both cosmophysicists
and high energy experimentalists and to gain insights about what KEK
can gain from and contribute to high energy cosmophysics.

  - Inflation models, unified theories and higher dimensional gravity.
  - Observational cosmology of the early universe and dark energy,
    including the CMB and gravitational wave astronomies.
  - GRBs, AGNs and other high energy astrophysical phenomena related to
    cosmic jets.
  - High energy cosmic rays.

Invited speakers:
  Masaki Ando (U Tokyo)
  Roger D. Blandford (SLAC)*
  Masashi Hazumi (KEK)
  Marc Kamionkowski (Caltech)*
  Jun Kataoka (Tokyo Inst Tech)
  Edward W. Kolb (KICP, Chicago U)
  Adrian Lee (UC Berkeley)
  Peter Meszaros (IGC, Penn State)
  Tetsuya Shiromizu (Tokyo Inst Tech)*
  Takahiro Tanaka (Kyoto U)
  Masahiro Teshima (MPI)
  Jun'ichi Yokoyama (RESCEU, U Tokyo)
  (* to be confirmed)

  The online registration is available through the webpage 
  http://www-conf.kek.jp/AIU08/. Through the same oneline registration 
  page, you can submit the abstract of your oral presentation and make 
  other registers. See below for details.

User Registration:
  All visitors to KEK are supposed to make the User Registration.
  Details will be emailed to the participants later.

Abstract submission:
  In addition to the invited talks, we have around 14 slots for oral talks
  (25+5min). We will have no poster session. If you would like to give
  a talk, please give the title and abstract when you make the online
  registration. The deadline is 31 January 2008.

Registration Fee:
  The registration fee is 3,000 yen. Only cash is accepted and will
  be collected at the registration desk. This covers beverage
  and food during coffee break and a copy of the proceedings that
  will be sent to each participant after the conference.

Reception and Banquet:
  We are planning to have a reception party on the 1st day (2500 yen)
  and a banquet  on the 2nd day (3500 yen). You are recommended to
  come to both of these because KEK is not close to downtown. There
  are only two small cafeterias inside the campus of KEK. In order to
  make sure the number of people, we wish you to make registration
  for these parties at the time of online registration. The fees of these
  parties will be collected at the registration desk.

  KEK has a big dormitory for visitors. If you would like to book a 
  single bedroom without bath and restroom, you can make a reservation 
  when you make the online registration. This dormitory is equipped with 
  laundry rooms, shower rooms and shared kitchens. The room charge is 
  1,500 yen per night. Although you can reserve a room with bath and 
  restroom, it is limited in number and you have to make a reservation 
  by yourself through the webpage of the KEK Users Office. You also need 
  to make the User Registration in advance. There are a couple of hotels 
  outside the KEK campus as well. If you would like to use them, please 
  make booking by yourself. Details about the accommodation will be given 
  in our webpage soon.

Financial support:
  We will support the expenses of the domestic travel and accommodation in 
  the KEK dormitory for all participants as far as possible. Note that we 
  can only provide the dormitory-rate-equivalent even if you stay at a 
  hotel. You can apply for the financial support when you make the online 
  registration. The deadline is 31 January 2008.

The Advisory Committee:
  Masashi Hazumi (KEK)
  Nobuyuki Kawai (Tokyo Inst Tech)
  Seiji Kawamura (NAOJ)
  Kei-ichi Maeda (Waseda U)
  Takashi Nakamura (Kyoto U)
  Misao Sasaki (YITP)
  Tetsuya Shiromizu (Tokyo Inst Tech)
  Naoshi Sugiyama (Nagoya U)
  Yasushi Suto (U Tokyo)
  Fumio Takahara (Osaka U)
  Tadayuki Takahashi (ISAS/JAXA)
  Masahiro Teshima (MPI)
  Tomonori Totani (Kyoto U)

LOC of the Conference:
  Hideo Kodama (chair)
  Kunihito Ioka
  Akihiro Ishibashi
  Cosmophysics Group, IPNS, KEK

  Kunihito Ioka
  kunihito.ioka (at) kek.jp

  Cosmophysics Group, Theory Division
  Institute of Particle and Nuclear Studies
  KEK (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
  1-1 Oho, Tsukuba 305-0801, Japan
  Phone: +81-29-879-6216
  Fax:   +81-29-864-5755