
           KEK Cosmophysics Group Inaugural Conference

                 Accelerators in the Universe

    - Interplay between High Energy Physics and Cosmophysics -

                 12 (Wed) - 14 (Fri) March 2008
        3rd building 1F seminar hall, KEK, Tsukuba, Japan

               URL: http://www-conf.kek.jp/AIU08/

                 Second Circular (29 Feb. 2008)


 This is the second circular of the KEK Cosmophysics Group Inaugural
Conference "Accelerators in the Universe - Interplay between High
Energy Physics and Cosmophysics -". We are delighted to have more than
100 registrations. Thank you for your cooperation.

 - Inflation models, unified theories and higher dimensional gravity.
 - Observational cosmology of the early universe and dark energy,
  including the CMB and gravitational wave astronomies.
 - GRBs, AGNs and other high energy astrophysical phenomena related to cosmic jets.
 - High energy cosmic rays.

Invited speakers:
 Masaki Ando (U Tokyo)
 Roger D. Blandford (SLAC)
 Masashi Hazumi (KEK)
 Marc Kamionkowski (Caltech)
 Jun Kataoka (Tokyo Inst Tech)
 Edward W. Kolb (KICP, Chicago U)
 Adrian Lee (UC Berkeley)
 Peter Meszaros (IGC, Penn State)
 Takahiro Tanaka (Kyoto U)
 Masahiro Teshima (MPI)
 Jun'ichi Yokoyama (RESCEU, U Tokyo)

 The registration desk is open from 9:30 on March 12 (Wed).
 The registration fee is 3,000 yen. Only cash is accepted and will be
 collected at the registration desk. You may get your name tag and
 receipt. Please return the name tag after the conference.

Reception and Banquet:
 A reception party is held on the 1st day (2500 yen) and a banquet
 on the 2nd day (3500 yen) at the Lounge 2 located in the building
 of the User's Office. The fees of these parties will be collected
 at the registration desk by cash. Tickets and receipts will be issued.

Oral presentation:
 A liquid crystal display (LCD) projector is available. We will collect
 your talk files (ppt or pdf) after presentations in our USB memory.
 We are also planning to take a video of talks. These are going to be
 uploaded on our website.

KEK dormitory:
 Key: The key can be received at the entrance of the KEK dormitory
        till 22:00 and at the information center after 22:00.
 Charge: The dormitory charge will be withheld from the travel support
             if you receive the support from KEK. If you do not have the
             support from KEK, the charge should be paid at the User's
             Office located behind the information center. The User's Ofiice
             is open from 9:00 to 17:00.

 To use the wireless LAN, you need to apply for it in advance
 according to the following procedure.

Google map around Tsukuba Center and KEK:

 For general information:
 Bus from Narita airport to Tsukuba Center:
  We note that the seat reservation is required to go to the Narita airport
  from Tsukuba Center. Please let us know if you need the reservation.
 Bus from Tsukuba Center (station) to KEK
 Shuttle Bus from OKURA Frontier Hotel to KEK
  March 12 in the morning
  9:25 depart from OKURA Frontier Hotel Epochal
  9:30 depart from OKURA Frontier Hotel Honkan
  March 13, 14 in the morning
  8:15 depart from OKURA Frontier Hotel Epochal
  8:20 depart from OKURA Frontier Hotel Honkan
  March 12, 13 in the evening
  21:30 depart from KEK International Center

 The conference proceedings will be published from the American
 Institute for Physics as a volume in the AIP Conference Proceedings Series
 in the 6 x 9 inch (between A5 and B5) formats.
 An example of one of the AIP proceedings may be viewed online at:
 Here are the page limits for each type of presentation and the deadline:
 Invited talks: 15 pages
 Contributed talks: 5 pages
 Deadline: 14 May 2008

 The weather information is available, for example, from

Currency Exchange:
 We recommend you to exchange your money into Japanese Yens
 at a Currency Exchange counter at the Airport on your arrival. The
 information is available from

12 (Wed) March
9:30 - 10:45  Registration
10:45 - 10:50  Opening address (Hideo Kodama)
10:50 - 11:00  Fumihiko Takasaki (Director of IPNS, KEK)
11:00 - 12:30  Session 1 (Chair: TBA)
 Edward W. Kolb (KICP, Chicago U)  [50+10]
  Taking sides on the dark energy issue
 Masumi Kasai (Hirosaki U)  [25+5]
  Apparent Acceleration through Large-scale Inhomogeneities
12:30 - 13:30  Lunch
13:30 - 15:30  Session 2 (Chair: TBA)
 Jun'ichi Yokoyama (RESCEU, U Tokyo)  [50+10]
  Probing the early Universe with multichannel observations
 Shun Saito (U Tokyo)  [25+5]
  Impact of massive neutrinos on nonlinear matter power spectrum
 Shinji Tsujikawa (GNCT)  [25+5]
  Dark energy and modified gravity
15:30 - 16:00  Break
16:00 - 18:00  Session 3 (Chair: TBA)
 Takahiro Tanaka (Kyoto U)  [50+10]
  Braneworld models and observations (tentative)
 Fuminobu Takahashi (IPMU)  [25+5]
  Gravitino and inflation
 Kazunori Nakayama (ICRR)  [25+5]
  Inflationary cosmology of axion models in supergravity
18:30 - 21:00  Reception party

13 (Thu) March
9:00 - 10:00  Session 4 (Chair: TBA)
 Marc Kamionkowski (Caltech)  [50+10]
  The future of the CMB
10:00 - 10:30  Break
10:30 - 12:30  Session 5 (Chair: TBA)
 Adrian Lee (UC Berkeley)  [50+10]
  Probing the early universe with measurements of CMB polarization
 Masashi Hazumi (KEK)  [25+5]
  Jumping into CMB polarization measurements ? a new group at KEK ?
 Makoto Hattori (Tohoku U)  [25+5]
  Application of michelson type bolometric interferometer to CMB
B-mode polarization observations
12:30 - 13:30  Lunch
13:30 - 15:30  Session 6 (Chair: TBA)
 Masaki Ando (U Tokyo)  [50+10]
  Gravitational wave experiments (tentative)
 Teruaki Suyama (ICRR)  [25+5]
  Non-Gaussianities, Spectral Index, and Tensor Mode in Models with
Mixed Inflaton and Curvaton
 Shuntaro Mizuno (RESCEU, U Tokyo)  [25+5]
  Primordial non-Gaussianities in new ekpyrotic cosmology
15:30 - 16:00  Break
16:00 - 18:00  Session 7 (Chair: TBA)
 Roger D. Blandford (SLAC)  [50+10]
  Cosmic Gamma-Rays
 Yuichiro Sekiguchi (TITech)  [25+5]
  Collapse of rapidly rotating massive stellar core to a black hole in full GR
 Yousuke Takamori (Osaka City U)  [25+5]
  Numerical Study of Stationary Black Hole Magnetospheres ?
Blandford-Znajek mechanism by fast rotating black holes ?
18:30 - 21:00  Banquet

14 (Fri) March
9:00 - 10:00  Session 8 (Chair: TBA)
 Masahiro Teshima (MPI)  [50+10]
10:00 - 10:30  Break
10:30 - 12:30  Session 9 (Chair: TBA)
 Peter Meszaros (IGC, Penn State)  [50+10]
  Gamma-Ray Burst and Particle Astrophysics: Future Prospects
 Katsuaki Asano (TITech)  [25+5]
  Gamma-ray Bursts and Particle Acceleartion
 Kohta Murase (YITP, Kyoto U)  [25+5]
  High-Energy Neutrinos and Gamma-Ray Bursts
12:30 - 13:30  Lunch
13:30 - 14:30  Session 10 (Chair: TBA)
 Susumu Inoue (NAOJ/Kyoto U)  [25+5]
  Astrophysical Accelerators of Ultrahigh Energy Cosmic Rays
 Kenji Toma (Kyoto U/NAOJ)  [25+5]
  Gamma-Ray Burst Polarization
14:30 - 15:00  Break
15:00 - 17:00  Session 11 (Chair: TBA)
 Jun Kataoka (TITech)  [50+10]
  High Energy Observations of AGN Jets and Their Future Prospects
 Yoshitaka Itow (STEL, Nagoya U)  [25+5]
  The LHCf experiment for verification of UHECR interaction models
 Hajime Takami (U Tokyo)  [25+5]
  Towards unravelling the structural distribution of
ultra-high-energy cosmic ray sources
17:00 - 17:10  Closing remarks (Hideo Kodama)

The Advisory Committee:
 Masashi Hazumi (KEK)
 Nobuyuki Kawai (Tokyo Inst Tech)
 Seiji Kawamura (NAOJ)
 Kei-ichi Maeda (Waseda U)
 Takashi Nakamura (Kyoto U)
 Misao Sasaki (YITP)
 Tetsuya Shiromizu (Tokyo Inst Tech)
 Naoshi Sugiyama (Nagoya U)
 Yasushi Suto (U Tokyo)
 Fumio Takahara (Osaka U)
 Tadayuki Takahashi (ISAS/JAXA)
 Masahiro Teshima (MPI)
 Tomonori Totani (Kyoto U)

LOC of the Conference:
 Hideo Kodama (chair)
 Kunihito Ioka
 Akihiro Ishibashi
 Cosmophysics Group, IPNS, KEK

 Kunihito Ioka
 kunihito.ioka (at) kek.jp

 Cosmophysics Group, Theory Division
 Institute of Particle and Nuclear Studies
 KEK (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
 1-1 Oho, Tsukuba 305-0801, Japan
 Phone: +81-29-879-6216
 Fax:   +81-29-864-5755