The conference proceedings will be published by the American Institute for Physics (AIP).

Here are the page limits for each type of presentation:

The deadline is

We will use the AIP LaTeX macros for the 6x9 inch format. They can be found at the AIP site here (Unzip the ZIP files into your directory). Do not use the file "sample.tex" as a template for your documents but use the file "template-6s.tex". The bibliography has to be in AIP's style. The only robust way to make this happen is to use BibTeX. Figures should be submitted in encapsulated postscript format, with the filename ending in .eps. Futher AIP instructions are at this site.

You should put your ms.tex, ms.bib, fig1.eps, etc. (and any other supporting files) in a .tar.gz or .zip archive whose name should be (or .tar.gz), and then email it to kunihito.ioka (at)

Each paper must be accompanied by a signed trasfer of copyright form. This form must be signed by one of the authors of the paper. For "Conference and Editor", you should put "Accelerators in the Universe, Kodama and Ioka". Please fax it to the AIP contact:
Krstin Girardi
+1 (516) 576-2272

It is also necessary to request and obtain any necessary permissions for the use of previously published materials. Any figures or tables taken in their entirety from another source need permission from the previous publisher or author. Additional information is at this page.