V.N.Boriskin, N.I.Aizatsky, YU.I.Akchurin, V.A.Gurin,
N.V.Demidov, A.N.Dovbnya, V.A.Kushnir, V.V.Mitrochenko,
A.N.Savchenko, YU.D.Tur, V.L.Uvarov.
National Science Center, Kharkov Institute of
Physics&Technology (KFTI) Ukraine
This paper deals with the control and protection system for electron
linac for industrial purposes (KYT). The KYT - a powerful source of accelerated
electron beam - is meant for performing various radiation technological
processes including sterilization of medical articles. KYT was designed and
constructed in KFTI. The pilot KYT has been operating since September 1993. The
KYT consists of the electron linac, cooling and control systems. The linac
includes the high-voltage generator, electron source, accelerating system,
klystron with high-voltage modulator, scanning and electron beam extraction
device. This linac produces 8-10 MeV electron beam with power up to 10 kW.
Commercial production of KYT is scheduled since 1994. The grounds for choice of
protective and control elements of the system are established. To manage
operation of the accelerator a control system has been developed, providing for
beam current and energy monitoring, control over systems parameters and failure
diagnostics. The description of algorithms and results of use of the system is