New High Level Application Software for the Control of
the SPS-LEP Beam Transfer Lines
F. Chevrier, G. Crockford, A. Hilaire, Y. Maumary, C. Niquille,
P. Ribeiro, G. de Rijk, G. Smith
CERN SL Division
New High level application software is developed for the control of the SPS-LEP
beam transfers. The software is fully data driven, any new transfer line or
injection/extraction area can be added without changing the computer code. All
data resides on ORACLE databases. The software uses the concept of beam
segments to represent the multi-cycle operation of the machine complex.
Implementation is done in a UNIX/Xwindows environment using a commercial
graphics generation package. The project was started three years ago,
implementation started one year ago. During 1995 the transfer lines are one by
one re-commissioned into the new control software.