Embedded On-line Accelerator Models*

J. A. Holt
Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory

Using the C++ class libraries BEAMLINE and MXYZPTLK (differential algebra) on-line models of the Tevatron and several of the beam transfer lines are under development and are being embedded into the Fermilab control system. These models interact with the real machines and the control system in two modes. The first mode is by running as a pseudo hardware frontend where all control system application's input and output are redirected to the model. In the second mode, the model can read all parameters of the real machine but the user interacts with the model via a separate application which enables the user to do special calculations not necessarily associated with current machine operation. The system architecture and examples of use will be presented.

*Operated by the Universities Research Association, Inc. under contract with the U. S. Department of Energy.