The Integrated High Speed Communication System for IHEP
Accelerating and Experimental Complex

B.V. Prosin, D.U. Kisorzhevsky, V.N. Liamin, V.P. Panov,
N.A. Pokidov, A.A. Samorodov, O.V. Romanov, V.A. Ushakov

The features and application aspects of IHEP integrated fiber optical local networks (FDDI, Ethernet), that join the accelerating complex (U-70, injecting channel of UNK), experimental base and Computer Center are described. The suggestions about radio-relay linking between UNK remote experimental objects and FDDI concentrators complementary to traditional solutions are discussed. Same parameters and test results of the multi-channel specific radio-relay link between IHEP and Moscow State University for high speed communication with Internet are described.