Using A Public Domain Real-Time Kernel on a
VME/Ethernet Based Control System
David E. Eisert
Synchrotron Radiation Center, University of Wisconsin-Madison
There are many options available when choosing a real-time kernel, from
full featured operating systems to writing your own kernel. The cost of these
systems also reflects a large range, from tens of thousands to only a few
hundred dollars. Recently there has been added yet another option, well
documented real-time kernels that have been submitted to the public domain.
These include Chimera (Carnegie Mellon University), RTEMS (U.S. Military), and
mC/OS (Jean J. Labrosse). We selected the mC/OS kernel because it is small and
has the required capabilities. Although the kernel was ported to the system in
a matter of days, several months of development were required to write device
drivers for the
processor board. This paper will discuss why we selected the mC/OS kernel, the
effort required to implement this kernel, and our experience with the completed