Merging of Separate Control Systems Involved with
the Same Beam Particles

Kazuro Furukawa, Norihiko Kamikubota, Kazuo Nakahara,
Isamu Abe and Akihiro Shirakawa
National Laboratory for High Energy Physics (KEK)

In the KEKB project both ring and linac accelerators are upgraded from the TRISTAN project. Recently it was decided to employ EPICS control software for KEKB ring controls. It's reasonable to use such mature collaboration based software when we start building a new control system. However, at the linac side, which will be upgraded from 2.5-GeV to 8-GeV, we have been operating a new control system employing international and de-facto standard systems with object oriented design since two years ago. Thus we are searching for the scheme to make these two control systems cooperate each other, since it is important to have tight control communication between linac and ring in order to acquire higher luminosity in the physics experiment. In the report, several schemes for the cooperation between ring and linac are discussed.