Michel Rabany, CERN / AT Division, Geneva
During the 1970's,. whilst computer technology was developing under the thrust
of the ever increasing need for data processing, large projects in astronomy
and physics were launched. They provided an incentive to the development of
advanced architecture in control engineering. More than twenty years later,
industry is producing very efficient generic control solutions, in response to
the present competitive productivity. Our machines are supplied with
electricity, water, air, helium, vacuum,... of which the production and/or
distribution are industrial processes. Let us use industrial solutions to
bring savings in terms of both money and human resources.
There is a natural tendency to be conservative and the progress towards the
"don't make but buy" approach is slowed down by arguments ranging from
misunderstanding in the best of cases, to unwillingness in the worst. Let us
explain to those who are confused.
Today's economical situation forces those who work in fundamental research
laboratories to concentrate on their own specific activity. This restricts
their possible leading role to the development of necessary new technologies,
whereas they should adjust their needs to existing industrial products for more
general equipment. Let us face the new situation.