International Conference on Accelerator and Experimental Physics Control Systems
Nov. 3-7 1997
FIRST ANNOUNCEMENT and call for Abstracts (rev.3.0)
Organisers: Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), Center for International Scientific Exchanges, (CISE-CAS)
Co-organisor: European Physical Society (EPS)' interdivisional group on Experimental Physics Control Systems (EPCS)
Domestic Sponsors: Chinese Physics society (CPS), Chinese Association of Automation (CAA) China High Energy Physics Society (CHEPS) China Particle Accelerator Society (CPAS)
Overseas Sponsored by: European Physical Society (EPS) International Federation for Automatic Control(IFAC) Association of Asian Pacific Physics Societies(AAPPS) Asian Committee for Future Accelerators (ACFA) Hewlett-Packard Company (HP Company)
Technical Co-sponsored by: Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society of the IEEE (IEEE-NPSS)
The ICALEPCS'97 - International Conference on Accelerator and Large Experimental Physics Control Systems - will be held in Beijing, People's Republic of China, from November 3 through 7,1997. It is the 6th of a sequence of conferences that are held every two years and that cover the world as they are held successively in Europe, America and Asia. The Institute of High Energy Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences will host this conference.
As is now usual, the ICALEPCS'97 will cover the field of control and monitoring of particle accelerators, particle detectors, telescopes and nuclear fusion devices.
This conference however will have a specific bias as it will reflect the economical situation that currently prevails in most of the laboratories. Indeed, pressed by reduction of resources, laboratories now seek to collaborate more closely together on common designs, to construct control systems with off-the-shelf, inexpensive industrial products, and to look out for upcoming technologies that may render their controls more economical and more efficient.
This leads to a different approach in designing systems - different than the current working habits in these laboratories - with a strong emphasis on engineering aspects for: defining the requirements the systems must satisfy, for defining architectures integrating "foreign" components, or to keep control on developments that are now often performed outside the laboratories.
During this Conference
the EPCS
Prize for young outstanding experimental physics control engineers
will be awarded for the first time.
Scientific Program - Proposed Subjects - Call for Abstracts
The program will cover the subjects listed in the next paragraphs. These subjects will be handled in specific sessions limited to approx. 1.5 hrs allowing for 3 talks of 20 to 25 mins each followed by 10 to 5 mins for questions and discussions. Presentations, for which abstracts are sollicited, will be classified into Tutorials, Invited papers, Oral papers and Posters.When submitting their abstract, authors will be asked for their preference, but the ultimate decision to accept a paper into one of previous categories will be taken by the program committee.
Status Reports
These will be limited to the most significant projects (current and future) with a special focus on the Asian ones.
Chairpersons: Tadhiko Katoh (KEK) Shiyao Liu (IHEP)
Some laboratories are increasingly relying on industry for their controls: be it by outsourcing developements or by buying full systems that are integrated in existing ones that often need reengineering. This takes us into the field of engineering - with its methods, standards, tools - and issues relating to high reliabitity, maintenance and project management.
Chairpersons: Guy Baribaud (CERN) Gianni Raffi (ESO)
Industrial, Off-the-shelf systems, PLCs, ...
Industry nowadays supplies a wide choice of "ready to use" systems. In order to select the most appropriate one, several products should be compared. Unfortunately, a laboratory does not have the resources to evaluate much more than one product. Evaluating a product often implies de facto adopting that product. How could we solve that problem: by concerted evaluations? What are the selection criteria? What systems are currently available and what are their pros and cons? How to integrate different systems?
Chairpersons: T.Wada (SPRING 8) Tam Luong (GANIL)
Inexpensive (PC based) systems
Initially popular in the smaller laboratories, the inexpensive PC based systems that are now also invading the larger ones.
Chairpersons: Kevin Cahill (FNAL) Li Ma (IHEP,Beijing)
Microcontrollers, DSP, ...
This session follows quite naturally from the preceeding ones and focuses on the hardware aspects.
Chairpersons: Mike Shea (FNAL) Yanan Guo (IHEP, Beijing)
Networks and Fieldbusses
This session is motivated by the emergence of new technologies: ATM, FFDI, high speed real-time networks. Although recently three specific fieldbusses have been recommended for the experimental physics applications - in particular the particle accelerators and detectors - one must keep an eye on emerging new technologies.
Chairpersons: Matthias Clausen (DESY) Raymond Rausch (CERN)
JAVA and the WWW
Applications of both JAVA and the WWW for process controls.
Chairpersons: Bill Mcdowell (APS) Horishi Nishimura (LBL)
Software Sharing (SOSH), CDEV, OO Technologies and CORBA
The EPICS community is working on CDEV whereas the OO community (in particular the CORBA-OMG) is working out a standard allowing diverse OO systems to collaborate. This session will attempt to provide a better insight into both approaches as well as in the latest developement of OO technologies. This subject is anticipated to cover two sessions of 1.5 hrs.
Chairpersons: SOSH CDEV: Chip Watson (Jeffereson Lab.) Isamu Abe (KEK) : OO CORBA: Noriichi Kanaya(KEK)
Relational databases (RDB), object oriented databases (OODB) and real-time ones (RTDB); how do they compare ?
Chairpersons: Dave Gurd (LANL) Jijiu Zhao (IHEP)
Feedback, Control Theory, Automation
Experimental physics controls involve in general very little automatic feedback and even less of the sophisticated automation one finds e.g. in navigation systems. This may be in part due to a lack of awareness of the possibilities offered by modern control theory. This session does not have the ambition to cover the entire field of control theory, but tries to highlight those domains which found, or could find, an application in our field. Finite State Machines (FSM) for instance, are now widely spread, e.g. imbedded within fault diagnostics systems: how do they work, what are their performances and how efficient are they for the operation of the processes ?
Chairpersons: Peter Clout (Vista) Rusty Humphrey (SLAC)
Technology spinoff
Some laboratories, in particular the Russian ones, are trying to apply their expertise in experimental physics controls to applications in other domains. What applications ? What are the experiences made and lessons learnt ? It is proposed to complement this session by a round table discussion.
Chairpersons: Rudolf Pose (JINR) Alexei Vaguine (Radio Techn.Inst., Moscow)
As a result of the budgetary reductions that strike the experimental physics world, projects are being stretched over the time (if not cancelled at all). Deciding today on technologies that will be setting the trends at the time when these projects will eventually be put into operation, is a delicate task of strategic importance that can not be done without a clear view of the future evolution of these technologies and a well thought-of long term corporate strategy.
Chairpersons: Don Dohan (PSI) Hamid Shoaee (SLAC)
To wrap up the previous sessions, it would be interesting to assess operation's experience with the use of current systems, e.g. those based on industrial, off-the-shelf, PC based etc. products and to hear their views on the future evolution.
Chairpersons: Winfried Busse (HMI) Mike Mouat (TRIUMF)
The deadline for abstracts is June 1, 1997. Abstracts may be submitted on paper, by e-mail, or by fax. Abstracts will be published on WWW, recorded in a booklet and distributed to all participants at the conference. Abstracts should include keywords.
See further for "Instructions for submission of abstracts".
All efforts will be made to publish the papers as soon as possible. In order to achieve this goal, the International Scientific Advisory Committee (ISAC'97) has set up rules that should be followed strictly. These rules concern: - deadline for papers: at the Conference - papers to be delivered at the conference in camera ready format (to be defined in 2nd Announcement), - length of papers ready format (to be defined in 2nd Announcement).
In general, all papers accepted at the conference will be published on WWW, on CD and in Proceedings. Only papers that are estimated to have archival value will be published in Conference Transactions.
Conference Information
Several of the leading hotels and Convention Centers of Beijing are being considered. They will be selected on the basis of technical and financial considerations. Due consideration will be also given to facilities optimizing the interaction between the participants.
Technical Facilities
Participants will have access to workstations, terminals and PCs, connected to the INTERNET and dedicated telephone lines; equipment such as copying and fax machines will also be available.
Industrial Exhibit
There will be an industrial exhibit in the conference center. Several large Chinese and foreign companies have expressed their interest in participating. In order to ensure an optimum interaction between the participants and the industrialists, the exhibit will be at the same location as the posters and near the stands where refreshments are served.
Social Program, Visits and Cultural Entertainment
There will be an opening reception and a banquet in honor of all participants.
Tours of the Beijing Electron Positron Collider as well as the Great Wall
and the Ming Tombs will be arranged during the conference. A cultural entertainment
event will also be offered.
These three activities are included in the conference registration fee.
EPCS Prize
The Board of the EPS interdivisional group for EPCS has decided to create an EPCS Prize for young outstanding experimental physics control engineers (cf. EPCS Board meeting, KEK, Tsukuba, 14 Nov. 1996). This prize will be awarded for the first time during ICALEPCS'97. Details and regulation pertaining this award will be communicated in due time.
Registration Fee
The registration fee for each participant has been as follows:
registration before 15 Sept. 97 = 400 USD for members of sponsoring societies = 440 USD for non-members = 70 USD for each accompanying guest
registration after 15 Sept.97 = 440 USD for members of sponsoring societies = 480 USD for non-members = 90 USD for each accompanying guest
Post Conference Tours
Three post conference tours are being arranged:
Tour 1: extensive 2 days visit of Beijing's landmarks Nov. 08, 1997, whole day Forbidden City and Temple of Heaven (US$35) Nov. 09, 1997, Whole day Summer Palace and Lama Temple (US$30) The price above includes lunch, transportation, admission tickets and English-speaking guide.
Tour 2: Beijing - Xi'an - Guilin - Guangzhou (exit) - Hongkong Date: Nov. 10 - 15, 1997 Price: USD 854 (double occupnacy) USD 942 (single occupancy)
Tour 3: Beijing - Nanjing - Wuxi - Suzhou - Shanghai (exit) Date: Nov. 10 - 15, 1997 Price: USD 597 (double occupancy) USD 674 (single occupancy)
The above quotations are based on groups of more than 10 persons for which full package service is provided. If the tours are selected by less than 10 persons, no trip guide will be provided and the price will be increased to some extent.
Financial Support
Limited financial assistance is available for qualified participants whose home institutions cannot afford the full costs.
If you are interested in ICALEPCS'97, please fill in the enclosed Preregistration Form and return it by Feb. 25,1997.
Conference Chair
Co-chairmen of the conference and the International Scientific Advisory Committee are:
Prof. Zhipeng Zheng of IHEP Dr. Axel Daneels of CERN
International Scientific Advisory Committee (ISAC) in 97
Co-chaired by Prof. Zhipeng Zheng of IHEP and Dr. Axel Daneels of CERN.
Members are:
T. H. Anh NRI, Vietnam G.Baribaud CERN, Switzerland D.Barton BNL, USA T.Blumer PSI, Switzerland W.Busse HMI, Germany K.Cahill FNAL, USA M.Clausen DESY, Germany P.Clout Vista, USA J.Collins IUCF, USA A.Daneels CERN, Switzerland Co-Chair S.Dasgupta VECC, India J.Gournay CEA-CEN, France D.Gurd LANL, USA T.Huang HIRFL, China J.Humphrey SLAC, USA G.Jan SRRC, Taiwan R.Juras ORNL, USA N.Kanaya KEK, Japan T.Katoh KEK, Japan T.Kimura JAERI Japan W.D.Klotz ESRF, France I.S.Ko POSTECH, Korea S.Lewis LBL, USA J.Lister EPFL, Switzerland P.Lucas FNAL, USA T.Luong GANIL, France I.M.Macleod IFAC,Austria W.McDowell ANL, USA M.Mouat TRIUMF, Canada J.Navratil CTU, Czech Republic Y.Pei HESYRL, China R.Pose JINR, Russia G.Raffi ESO, Germany R.Rausch CERN, Switzerland V.Schmidt JET, UK R.Steiner GSI, Germany A.N.Sytin IHEP, Russia T.Wada Spring8, Japan C.Watson CEBAF, USA F.Weehuizen NAC, Rep. of South Africa J.Zhao IHEP, China Z.P.Zheng IHEP, China Co-Chair
Program Committee
Winfried Busse (HMI),Peter
Clout (Vista), Axel
Daneels (CERN),
Tadahiko Katoh (KEK), Mike
Mouat (TRIUMF), Jijiu
Zhao (IHEP)
Liaison with industry
Rudolf Pose (JINR)
: East-European industry
Winfried Busse (HMI): West-European industry
Tadahiko Katoh (KEK): Japanese
and Pacific rim
Sharon Lackey (FNAL): American
Lu (IHEP) : Chinese industry
The program committee will meet at CERN on 25 - 27 June 97, in conjunction with EPCS Boardmeetings, and probably also ISAC meeting.
Local Organizing Committee
D.Dong IHEP,Beijing Y.N.Guo IHEP,Beijing J.G.Han Chinese Academy of Sciences D.M.Kong IHEP, Beijing Y.Z.Lin Qinghua University, Beijing D.K.Liu IHEP, Beijing L.Ma IHEP, Beijing Y.Q.Ma IHEP, Beijing X.W.Qiu IHEP, Beijing S.H.Wang IHEP, Beijing (co-chair) T.J.Wang IHEP, Beijing Y.Z.Wu IHEP, Beijing X.Q.Yu Univ.Sci.& Tech.China,Hefei C.Zhang Part.Accel.Soc.China (PASC) J.J.Zhao IHEP, Beijing (co-chair) K.Zhao Peking Univ., Beijing
Administrative Secretary for this conference is:
Scientific Secretary:
Chunhong Wang Songqing Lu ICALEPCS'97 ICALEPCS'97 Institute of High Energy Physics Institute of High Energy Physics 19 Yuquan Road 19 Yuquan Road Beijing 100039, China Beijing 100039, China Tel:(8610) 6821-3344 ext. 2526 Tel:(8610) 6821-3344 ext. 2249 Fax:(8610) 6821-3374 Fax:(8610) 6821-3374
ICALEPCS'97 homepages on the WWW
Editors of the ICALEPCS'97 Homepage
Instructions for submission of abstracts
Abstracts not exceeding 500 words should include the title of the paper, name(s) of the author(s) and their affiliation(s). When writing your abstract, please make sure that your text uses an easily readable font and fits within an area of 15 cm wide by 12 cm high (or 5.9 in wide by 4.7 in high). - Title: should be centered, first letter of the first word should be in uppercase, all others in lowercase except for abreviations (e.g. BEPC, CERN etc), recommended Font = "Times New Roman" size 14 (bold); - Names of authors and their affiliation: should be centered, in upper and lowercase, recommended Font = "Times New Roman" size 12 (normal); - Text: recommended Font = "Times New Roman" size 10 (normal). All abstracts will be available on the WWW and also as a booklet at the conference. Please submit your abstract by E-mail (as Microsoft Word version 6.0 document or ASCII file), fax or by surface mail to the Scientific Secretary indicating your preference for presentation category and keywords . However, please note that acceptance of papers for plenary, oral presentations or poster sessions will be based on the abstracts submitted. Mrs. Chunhong Wang, Scientific Secretary of ICALEPCS'97 Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences P.O. Box 918-10, Beijing 100039, China E-Mail: Fax: 86-10-68213374 Sample abstract :
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Title of the paper in upper and lower case letters
A. Author and B. Author
A Affiliation and B Affiliation
Please submit your abstract by E-mail (as Microsoft Word version 6.0 document or ASCII file), fax or by surface mail to the Scientific Secretary indicating your preference for presentation category and keywords. However, please note that acceptance of papers for plenary, oral presentations or poster sessions will be based on the abstracts submitted.
Submitted by:
Full address:
E-mail adress:
Fax number: Preferred presentation category: oral______ poster______
Keywords(no more than three): ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------