ID241: Centrally Managed Name Resolution Schemes for EPICS

Ding Jun, Institute of High Energy Physics of the Chinese Academy of Science

William Watson and David Bryan, Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility

EPICS presently uses a broadcast method to locate resources and control points distributed across control servers. There are many advantages offered by using a centrally managed name resolution method, in which resources are located using a repository. The suitability of DCE Directory Service as a name resolution method is explored, and results from a study involving DCE are discussed. An alternative nameserver method developed and in use at the Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility is described and results of integrating this new method with existing EPICS utilities presented. The various methods discussed in the paper are compared.

Submitted by: David Bryan (to be presented by Ding Jun)
Full address: Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility 12000 Jefferson Ave, MS12A2 Newport News, VA 23606, USA
E-mail address:
Fax number: 757-269-5024
Keywords: Controls, EPICS, DCE, Name Resolution

ID242: New Magnet Control System using PC and PLC

A.Shirakawa, I.Abe and K.Nakahara

High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK)

In KEKB project, reinforcement of the electron / positron linac has been proceeding. A new control system for beam transport system was designed to meet the reinforcement. The system comprises PCs and 20 PLCs as IOC. To improve the old magnet controller, specifications of the new PLC were examined in detail. Criteria for applying PLC for our magnet controller are as follows; i) shows better stability for temperature, ii) not affected by electromagnetic noise, iii) supports network communication quick enough. Three different types of PLC (of different companies) were selected to have examinations on those points. As a result, Yokogawa PLC is considered to meet our requirments, and taken into service. Each controller is connected with the upper level of control network via an Ethernet. Between the PLCs and the linac control network, PCs named "device manager" are running to handle all the PLCs. Combination of the PC manager and the PLC-IOC showed good performances: enoughcommunication speed, better stability and reliability, low cost, easy programming, etc. The new system was put to practical use this year. Same system for vacuum control system has been running since 1996, and the features were already ascertained. New PC and PLC system will be discussed in this paper.

Submitted by: A. Shirakawa
Full address: 1-1 Oho, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305, Japan.
E-mail address:
Fax number: +81-298-64-7529
Keywords: PLC, PLC evaluation, IOC, PC-system

ID243: The Proportional Ion Chamber and It's Corresponding Circuit

Shao Beibei, Zhao Yan

Tsinghua University Beijing

High pressure electric current type ionization chambers are used for pulses radiation field measurement of accelerators for long time. The ion chamber like proportional tubes may improve the sensitivity of the ion chambers system. A factor of 1,000 to 10,000 amplify is introduced in the proportional area. With which the sensitivity of the tube is much higher than the ion chamber. When the radiation field is higher, moving the working range of the tube to ion chamber area with adjustable high voltage, it can still fit the needs of high radiation field. As the corresponding circuit, a low cost high sensitivity current digitizer has been designed and tested. It can respond to the weak current of 1 x 10 -13 A and has nice linearity between 5 x 10 -13 to 2 x 10 -7 A. According to the level of radiation field, the high voltage on the tube is switched between proportional area and ion chamber area. A micro controller is employed for read out and the switch control. The system can be also used for beem loss measurement.

Keywords: proportional ion tube, ion chamber, digitizer, pulse radiation

ID244: Control for Elliptically Polarizing Undulator at SRRC

K.T. Pan, Jenny Chen, J.S. Chen, C.S. Chen, C.H. Kuo, K.T.

Hsu Synchrotron Radiation Reserch Center, Hsinchu, Taiwan

A Sasaki-type elliptically polarizing undulator (EPU) which will be an important project of intsertion device at SRRC is in construction phase. It can produce an elliptically polarization for advance study in soft X-ray region. The precision of phase is main issue for control system. The loads of the motor drivers vary with different magnetic force which results from changing the phase and the gap position to result in affecting positioning precision. For minimizing the steady state error and getting a better tracking performance, the parameters of the control loop are necessary to optimize. The control system provides the function which beamline users can adjust gap or phase. The graphical user interface provides a easy operation interface for operators. The detailed of the EPU control will be presented in this report.

Author: Kung-Tung Pan
Full address: No.1 R&D Road VI, Hsinchu Science-Based, Industrial Park, Hsinchu 30077, Taiwan, R.O.C
Affiliation: Synchrotron Radiation Reserch Center, Hsinchu, Taiwan
E-mail address:
Keywords: GUI, EPU, VME

ID245: Application of Personal Computers to the Control System for the Liquid Waste Treatment Station at the Dalat Nuclear Research Institute

T.H. Anh, N.N. Dien, T.D. Hai

Nuclear Research Institute , Dalat , Vietnam

The radioactive liquid waste treatment station of the Dalat Nuclear Research Institution has been established and put into operation since July 1984, four months after completing the reconstruction of the reactor itself. The control system of this station was designed and manufactured by the former Soviet Union and in general, the system had good reliability and had proven its capability to ensure operating regimes. However, due to the use of 1970's electronic generation with discrete and low-level integrated components in electrnic boards and devices, the system technology was somewhat obsolete. After ten years of operation, the control system reliability was degraded because of ageingeffect of its equipment and electrnic components.

The design and construction of the new PC-based control system for replacing the old one were necessary for increasing its reliability, measurement accuracy and enlarging the system functions. In the framework of a national project on general inspection and refurbishment of the reactor, renovation and modernization tasks for this system have been implemented.

The application of PC-based electronic systems to the control of the liquid waste treatment station is described in this paper.

The level measurement system has the function of monitoring, measuring displaying information on iquid level for more than 20 different storage tanks containing radioactive wastes before and after treatment, treatment solutions, purified water for the reactor. The system also has the capability to automatically control of the pumps when requested. The system was built upon the add-on card interfaces to a PC/AT computer.

The design and construction of the 8-channel dosimetry system have been implemented. The electronic blocks of this system have also been built in add-on cards to PC. The system is usd for monitoring the radioactivity level at different locations in the liquid waste treatment station. Information on radioactivity is displayed digitally and graphically on a computer monitor and saved continuously on hard disk of a PC. The system also can give warning signals(light and sound) whenever the radioactive level exceeds the setting limit.

Software programmes for both level measurement and dosimetry systems are written in Turbo Pascal and Assembler languages.

The new control system for liquid waste treatment station has been checked, commissioned and put into operation since May 1997.

ID246: The Virtual instrument control system

Jingwei Xu, Huijun cheng, Dekang Liu

Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Science P.O.Box 918-10, Beijing 100039, China

Labview is a graphical programming language for data acquisition, data analysis, data presentation. It offers an easy and fast way to develop control system and program instrumentation system. We have developed a virtual instrument control system that will be used in BEPC or SSRF on the basis of Labview. We acquire data from CAMAC, PLC, DAQ, GPIB device and other data sources via networking. In this paper, we will discuss it and its application in detail.

E-mail address:

ID247: Real-Time Transverse Emittance and Phase-Space Monitor

K. Jordan, J. Song*, P. Piot, R. Legg, D. Kehne, R. Li, E. Feldl,
J.-C. Denard, G. A. Krafft, G. R. Neil, C. L. Bohn
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility 12000 Jefferson Avenue, Newport News, VA 23606, USA and *Peking University Beijing 100871, China

A real-time multislit transverse-emittance monitor has been developed for diagnosing the space-charge-dominated beam in the 10 MeV injection line of the FEL at Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility (formerly CEBAF). It gives emittance, Twiss parameters, and phase-space contours (without any symmetry assumptions) at the update rate of 1 Hz. It also reduces measurement noise in real-time, and it incorporates a special algorithm for constructing the phase-space matrix, which yields more accurate results by sweeping the beam across the slits. The monitor consists of three parts: (i) an insertion device with multiple slits(1) that reduce the beam into beamlets, and a phosphor beam viewer; (ii) an optical imaging system comprising a CCD camera and lenses; (iii) a VME-based real-time image acquisition system (MaxVideo 200 from DataCube).

All software is implemented in EPICS within a single Input/Output Controller (Motorola MV177 IOC) to avoid network delays. The software-controlled MaxVideo allows all the noise reduction (runtime average, neighborhood average, pixel look-up table, pixel noise-cut) to be performed in the hardware. Several algorithms are implemented to find automatically the beam-stripe peak position, to calculate root-mean-square transverse emittance, and to reconstruct the transverse phase space.

A graphical user interface, based on MEDM (an EPICS tool) and Motif, can display emittance results and phase-space contours on an X-Terminal. The 2-D raw CCD image display is also available on an X-Terminal but with a 4-second update rate, limited by the speed of the X-Terminal. In this paper we will discuss issues relevant to the software design and implementation. Experimental results obtained from a 350 keV photocathode gun will also be presented and compared with other methods and with PARMELA simulations.

(1)Reference: J. Rosenzweig and G.Travish, Design Considerations for the UCLA PBPL Slit-based Phase Space Measurement System, October 3, 1995

Submitted by: Kevin Jordan
Full address: Jefferson Lab, 12000 jefferson Av., Newport News, VA, USA, 23606
Fax number:
757-269-6355 Keywords: Emittance, Video, Max 200,EPICS

ID248: A PC-based Auto-testing system for BEPC CAMAC modules

H. Zhang, J.J.Xu, H.Ren IHEP

A great deal of CAMAC modules are used in BEPC, but not a active testing system can effectively maintain them. We developed a PC-based standalone system for testing CAMAC modules. PC communicate to CAMAC crate through market-available 2927 AND 3022. Analog data go to PC by using Digital meter keyboard and mouse buttons to interactive interface. Interrupt technique makes it possible to exchange data between MS-DOS and MS-Windows. The system can automatically test main I/O modules of five types: IDIM, IDOM, SAM, PSC, 3016. The other modules are also tested by this system.

Submitted by: H. Zhao
Affiliation: IHEP

ID249: APS Intranet as a Man Machine Interface

Daniel J. Ciarlette, Rodney Gerig, William P. McDowell
Argonne National Laboratory

The Advanced Photon Source has implemented a number of methods for people to interact with the accelerator systems. The accelerator operators use Sun workstations running MEDM and Tcl/Tk as an interactive method of interfacing with the accelerator. Many people do not need to interact with the accelerator but rather view information. One of the common interfaces for viewing information at the Advanced Photon Source is the World Wide Web. Information such as the operations logbook entries, machine status updates, and displays of archived and current data are easily available to people. This interface between people and the accelerator has proven to be useful because our Intranet becomes operating system independent and inherently unidirectional thus preventing unauthorized or accidental control of the accelerators.

Submitted by: Dan Ciarlette, Argonne National Laboratory
Full address:
Argonne National Laboratory, Advanced Phonton Source, 9700 South Cass Ave., Argonne, IL 60439, USA
E-mail address: Fax: 1 630-252-5703
Internet, Intranet, EPICS, APS, Man-Machine Interface

ID250: Integrating Eye-Tumor Therapy by p-Beams with ISL Controls

W.W. Busse
Hahn-Meitner-Institut Berlin

The Ion-Beam-Laboratory (ISL) at the Hahn-Meitner-Institut Berlin will have an eye-tumor therapy installation operational by the end of 1997. The treatment will be done by p-beams being injected into the human eye. The paper summarizes the medical and radiation saftey requirements for such a treatment and hence their impact treatment phases are outlined. The fields of major concern are the beam parameters and their stability, the interlock system taking care of the safty of the patient and of beam shut off in case of accelerator malfunctioning during the treatment. Their integration with ISL controls and operations is described in details.

Submitted by: W. Busse, HMI Berlin
Full address:
Hahn-Meitner-Institut Berlin, Glienicker Str. 100, D-14109 Berlin, Germany
E-mail address: Fax: +49 30 8062 2097
Eye-Tumor Therapy, Data Bases, Operations, ISL-Berlin

ID251: BEPC Ring Injection Control System

Zhang Ruying Zhang Hao Songqing Lu


A new intellectual control system used in BEPC Ring Injection Power Supplies is introduced. The system use Intel Bitbus network and include eight Bitbus station s instead of old electronic circuit injection control system. Now, it runs relia bly in BEPC since October , 1996.


ID252: Why Physicists do not stop writing their own accelerator control programs?
Yury I. Eidelman
Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics (BINP),
Pr. Lavrentieva, 11, Novosibirsk, 630090, RUSSIA

Submitted by: Yury I. Eidelman
Full address: Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics (BINP), Pr. Lavrentieva, 11, Novosibirsk, 630090, RUSSIA
: +7(3832)35-21-63