ID021: Experimental Investigation of Optimization Control Methords in a Proton Synchrotron

Igor Mozin

D.V. Efremov Scientific Research Institute of Electrophysical Apparatus St. Petersburg 189631 Russia

One of the control tasks is to obtain the best characteristics of accelerated beam for physical experiments. However it may not always be acomplished for the subjective reasons. Recent work has demonstrated the possibility on-line process optimization and obtaining the best mode for the given status of the accelerator. This paper is devoted to the development of the optimization methods. providing the search of extremum and it's tracking out. The following stages weredetermined in solving of these tasks.

  • study of accelerator as an object of automatic optomization;
  • selection of methods of optimizing and tracking out of extremum;
  • comparative study of methods using models, which have the main peculrities of the control object;
  • synthesis of extremum control algorithm and procedure of estimation of automatic adustment officiency of operating accelerator.

The studies were carried out for criteria of speed of responce, of search variance and of relyability. one of the most important criteria is the ability to orient oneself with respect to noise. We discuss the result of methods comparasion.

Submitted by: I.Mozin
Full address: Institute of Electrophysical Apparatus St. Petersburg 189631 Russia
E-mail address:
Fax number:(812)4644634

ID022: Computer Control and mornitor system of high voltage for BES

Meng Xiang-cheng, Liu Zhoung-xiu


The paper introduces a computer control and mornitor alarm system of high voltage for BES. In this system computer control mornitor H.V. by Ethernet, VME, CAMAC. It's can see work status of high voltage system, detectores and accelerator from alarm system of high voltage.



Institute for High Energy Physics, Protvino, Moscow region, Russia, 142284

M.Bickley, J.Tang, W. Watson

Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facilities,12000 Jefferson Av., Newport News, VA, 23606, USA

Much of the existing control system in Jefferson Lab (TJNAF) accelerator is CAMAC based. A system to test CAMAC slots and crate controllers has been created at TJNAF. Convinient grafic Tcl/Tk interface allows to control all these slots or some part of them at the same time by the operator request or continuously. Communication between IOC (VxWorks) and GUI (HP-UX) is based on Sun Rpc protocol. This system does not depend on EPICS applied in TJNAF and thereby makes it possible to examine CAMAC crate controllers and slots even if EPICS is out of order. To extract informa-tion about valid slots for any IOC it is possible to use local database or TJNAF global ObjectStore database.

Submitted by: Albert Kagarmanov
Full address: Institute for High Energy Physics, Protvino, Moscow region, Russia, 142284
FAX-number: + 095-230-23-37
Keywords: CAMAC, GUI, software application

ID024: The LSB Magnet Test Facility as an Evaluation of the Accelerator Control System Requirements

D. Beltran, J. Campmany, J. Delgado, J. A. Perlas

Control System Group, Synchrotron Laboratory of Barcelona, LSB-IFAE Edifici Cn, Campus UAB, E-08193, Bellaterra, Catalonia (Spain)

In the process of making a detailed design for a synchrotron accelerator in Barcelona, we are setting up a magnet test facility to verify the dipole prototypes performance. We have designed the control system of this measurement bench such that it can additionally serve for the evaluation of the accelerator control system. Some sub-systems of the hardware and software proposed in the accelerator control system design have been evaluated in this small-scale test facility, using features of both the high and low levels. In this test bench we have applied the general philosophy chosen for the future accelerator: (i) Use of commercial or widely developed software packages instead of home-designed software, (ii) Whenever possible, use of stand-alone instruments controlled remotely via bus, instead of direct wire connection between sensors and actuators with digital or analog I/O, (iii) Simplification of used bus types, and (iv) Manpower minimisation. We describe the results in terms of cost and development effort of using this philosophy. We also describe the general features of the DAQ/control system for the automation of the whole measurement. The system is composed of two Hall probes attached to a high precision mechanical arm and a combined dipole magnet with its power converter. A NMR system is used to calibrate the Hall probe. All the components of the system, including in addition the intensity supply and voltage measurements of the Hall probes, the temperature indicators and regulation loops, and the calibration magnet supply are easily controled by the user by means of a software which is designed to be modular and layered, presenting to the user all the phases of the measurement, an easy error recovery and a final display of the data. This system has been implemented in two architectures: (a) PC based with commercial hardware and software, (b) Distributed system using EPICS. We discuss the benefits obtained with both systems and we compare them in order to confirm our design choices for the final LSB control system.

Submitted by: Josep A. Perlas
Full address: Control System Group, Synchrotron Laboratory of Barcelona, LSB-IFAE, Edifici Cn, Campus UAB, E08193, Bellaterra, Catalonia (Spain)
E-mail address:
FAX number: +343-581-32-13
Keywords: synchrotron,magnet,EPICS,fieldbuses

ID026: Object-Oriented technology in the LabVIEW programming



Now LabVIEW becomes more and more popular development environment to create a software controlling the different kinds of equipment in the accelerator's system. Some LabVIEW libraries have been developed to manage equipment installed around a whole accelerator ring remotely via different types of interfaces (GPIB, RS-232, MIL-1553, etc.). Sometimes the controlling system is quite complicated and program should be able to connect to or disconnect from different parts of system dynamically. In this case the Object-Oriented technology seemed to be very useful. It is impossible to implement all advantages of OOP because of LabVIEW is not an Object-Oriented language. But some aspects of OOP are applicable and could give some profit. Let us consider a system of several devices, for instance oscilloscopes of different types (Tectronix TDS-210 or TDS-340 with GPIB or RS-232 interface) installed somewhere in the accelerator's tunnel and serviced by program remotely. And user can include or exclude some devices from the data acquisition process. In that case it possible to create a template or a class of devices - this class contains all functions to perform on that family of devices. These functions differ only in the syntax of command and response for different devices. The Constructor and Destructor of device should be created as well. Every time when user connects a new device the program invokes the Constructor of device. Constructor creates an instance of device. The instance of device contains the command and response format for this particular device and all data associated with this device. There are also the global data describing the features common for entire family of devices. These data are shared by all instances of devices. Every time when user disconnects the device, the program invokes the Destructor of device. Destructor of device removes from memory all data associated with device and destroys the instance of device. This methodology allows to use application memory more efficiently and to avoid an extra- complexity in programming.

Submitted by: K.Rybaltchenko CERN CH-1211 Geneva 23 Switzerland
E-mail address:
Fax number: +22 767-5800
Keywords: Object Oriented Programming, LabVIEW

ID027: Control System of PLS 2-GeV Storage Ring

I. S. Ko, Jin W. Lee, Jong C. Yun, Eun H. Lee, and Byung R. Park

Pohang Accelerator Laboratory, POSTECH Pohang, 790-784 Korea

The Pohang Light Source (PLS) 2-GeV storage ring is a third-generation light source that has been under normal operation since September 1995. A large-scale real-time computer control system is implemented for precise remote operation of the machine. The control system has three-layered hierarchical architecture; operator computer layer, sub-system control computer(SCC) layer, and machine interface unit(MIU) layer. The operator computer layer is for man-machine interface. This layer consists of SUN Microsystem*s SPARCstations with UNIX operating system. X-Windows/Motif is used as a graphical user interface tool. SCC and MIU layers are for real-time data acquisition and control. These two layers consist of VME systems with OS-9 real-time operating system. SCCs act as front-end data processor for MIUs attached to each of them. MIUs are directly interfaced to machine devices for low-level data acquisition and control. There are 24 MIUs and placed around storage ring building for distributed device control. All SCCs and MIUs are OS-9 ROM-based system. Executable application S/W modules are downloaded from the host VME computer at the time of system startup. For easy MIU maintenance, there is a small MIU control panel in the main control room which can remotely control power-on/off and system reset of all MIUs. Operator computer and SCC are connected through the Ethernet. They communicate each other in the form of client-server. SCC and MIU are connected through MIL-STD-1553B fieldbus which provides reliable data integrity. They communicate each other in the form of master-slave. This paper describes the device control requirement, system structure and configuration, the hardware specification, and the control software structure.

Submitted by: In Soo Ko Pohang Accelerator Laboratory POSTECH Pohang 790-784 Korea
Fax: 82-562-279-1499
Keywords: Control, Status

ID028: PLC-based Machine Interlock System for PLS 2-GeV Storage Ring

I. S. Ko, Byung R. Park, and Jin W. Lee

Pohang Accelerator Laboratory, POSTECH Pohang, 790-784 Korea

The 2-GeV Pohang Light Source (PLS) is a third-generation light source that has been under normal operation since September 1995. A machine interlock system (MIS) is implemented to protect machine components from undergoing damages by abnormal machine conditions. The MIS periodically scans the status of machine components attached to it and generates interlock signals according to interlock logic flow. It also displays the machine interlock status on the display panel for the operator. The MIS is based on GE-Fanuc 90-70 series programmable logic controllers (PLC). The system consists of supervisory PLC units, I/O PLC units, display panel system, and a host computer for developments. There are two supervisory PLC units. One unit automatically gathers scanned data of machine components from I/O PLC units via dual-redundant data-link. This unit is duplicated with a hot-standby unit for fault-tolerance operation. The other unit displays major machine interlock status on the display panel located in the main control room. These two units are linked with RS232C. I/O PLCs are directly interfaced with machine components. These units scan the status data of machine components, send these data to the supervisory PLC unit, and supplies interlock signals according to the command from the supervisory PLC unint.These I/O PLCs are located in local control sheds around the storage ring. A 486-PC is used as the development host computer. In order to program various application S/W, a software tool named Logicmaster-90 is used. The application S/W is implemented with ladder logic flow. This paper describes the system configuration, the hardware specification, and the interlock logic flow.

Submitted by: In Soo Ko Pohang Accelerator Laboratory POSTECH Pohang 790-784 Korea
Fax: 82-562-279-1499
Keywords: Interlock, PLC, Status

ID029: Automated Control System for Radiation-Chemical Process of Composite Materials Formation*

G.F.Popov, A.I.Kalinichenko, Yu.A.Kresnin

Kharkiv State University, P.O.Box 60, Kharkiv, 310052, Ukraine

A real-time system is designed for radiation-chemical process of composite materials(CM) formation. CM were manufactured by the bulk impregnation of solid capillary-porous materials, such as wood, gypsum, ceramics, concrete, tuff by monomers or oligomers, and subsequent polymerization under the effect of bremsstrahlung or scanning electron accelerator beam with energy of 5-10 MeV, time duration of 4 mcsec., and mean beam power of 5 kW. The system uses both the ultrasonic emission and temperature distribution created by ionizing radiation in a sample, as sources of primary information concerning current status of monomer or oligomer phase state in CM. The system incorporates a set of acoustic (AS) and temperature (TS) sensors, CAMAC crate (CC), a subsystem for control of radiation-chemical process (CSR-CP), beam monitoring system (BMS), electron accelerator control subsystem (ACS), scanner control subsystem (SCS), synchronization module (SM), and IBM-compatible PC with corresponding software. The system operation based on the phase state monitoring of processed material due to measurement of temperature T of material and acoustic pulse amplitude V, and control of parameters of technological installation for optimal regime supporting of the radiation treatment. The optimum values of measured parameters T and V for various regimes of irradiation by bremsstrahlung or electron accelerator beam are stored in the memory of controlled computer. They can be corrected in the course of data storing, including the automatic regime. Supervisor program leads the experiment record, displays the information concerning the radiation parameters, and current status of manufactured material, stores statistical information, determines the termination time for polymerization process of monomer-oligomer systems. The experimental results, which demonstrate the control system utilization at production of new high-strength and corrosian-resistant CM, are discussed. *Research supported by STCU, Grant # 155.

Submitted by: E-mail
Full address: Kharkiv State University, P.O.Box 60, Kharkiv, 310052, Ukraine
E-mail address:
Fax number: 38-0572-353977
Keywords: Control system, Electron accelerator beam, Radiation-chemical treatment.

ID030: Nuclotron and Its Control System

V.Andreev, V.Gorchenko, A.Kirichenko, A.Kovalenko, I.Kulikov, V.Monchinsky, S.Romanov, B.Sveshnikov, A.Tsarenkov, B.Vasilishin, M.Voevodin, V.Volkov.

Laboratory of High Energies, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia

The superconducting synchrotron named Nuclotron was put into operation at the LHE JINR in 1993. The beam diagnostics subsystem of the Nuclotron Control System is described in this paper.The diagnostics of the beam injection transport line include 2 wire collector profilometers, 1 wire collector beam current monitor, 2 destructive screen monitors, and 2 Faraday cups. The beam profile monitor consists of X- and Y-wire planes. Each plane has 32 golden tungsten wires 0.1 mm in diameter separated by 2 mm. The beam current monitor has one plane with wires connected in parallel. Image processing technique based on fluorescent screens, CCD cameras, and frame- grabbers ensures the following possibilities: fluorescent screen selection and setting inside the beam, video tuning, background subtraction, pseudo-color for displays, saving and restoring specific images, snapshot and live mode selection. The accelerator ring diagnostics are composed of 5 wire collector profilometers, 21 electrostatic position pick-ups, 1 electrostatic intensity pick-up, 1 magnetic pick-up, 4 destructive screen monitors, 4 Faraday cups. Using the position and intensity pick-ups together with fast (10 - 50 MHz) buffered ADCs of 8 bit resolutions, beam information for each revolution can be acquired. It is possible to obtain transverse and longitudinal information for 800 first turns in parallel with orbit acquisition. The hardware interface is CAMAC and PC based.

Submitted by: Kulikov I.
Full address: LHE, JINR, Dubna Moscow Region, Russia, 141980.
E-mail address:
Fax number: (7-09621)-6-58-89
Keywords: superconducting synchrotron, beam diagnostics

ID031: Control subsystem for Nuclotron cryogenics.

N.Agapov, V.Gorchenko, G.Khodgibagian, A.Kirichenko, A.Kovalenko, I.Kulikov, S.Romanov, B.Sveshnikov, B.Vasilishin, V.Volkov.

Laboratory of High Energies, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia

Nuclotron- the superconducting synchrotron- was put into operation at the LHE JINR in 1993. The cryogenics subsystem of the Nuclotron Control System is described in this paper. The parameters under control are the quality of two-phase flow(the mass vapour content of helium in the supply headers), the density and flow rate of two-phase cryoproduct flows. The principle of measurement is based on the dependence of the resonance frequency of an oscillating RF-resonator with a high Q-factor on dielectric permeability of the controlled flow. The cryogenics control and measurement subsystem provides a helium pressure measurement in direct and back flows, the helium and nitrogen levels and pressure in the separators and storage tanks, as well. The temperature measurement is one of the central points in the cryogenic subsystem. This makes it possible to monitor and control cool-down and warm-up of the accelerator magnets to support operational conditions during machine runs, to indicate the deviations of cooling parameters from nominal ones, and to carry out temperature diagnostics of the cryogenic components during accidents (quenches, vacuum breakdowns, etc.). The subsystem provides the temperature measurements of the Nuclotron elements at more than 600 control points. The measurement range is from 4 to 300 K with the resolution of 25 mK at temperature of 4 K. As temperature sensors the carbon resistors are used. The 7-th power polynom describes the sensor resistance dependence on the element'stemperature. The hardware interface is CAMAC and PC based.

Submitted by B.V.Vasilishin.
Full adress: LHE, JINR, Dubna Moskow Region, Russia,141980
E-mail adress: VASIL@LHE36.JINR.DUBNA.SU
Fax number: (7-09621)-6-58-89
Keywords: superconducting synchrotron, kriogenics, temperature measurement.

ID032: Microprocessor Automatic Control System for Control of Plants Parameters.

I.M.Koltsov, A.A.Komarov, V.M.Rybin, A.A. Jelezin

Moscow State Engineering Physics Institute (Technical University),Moscow, Russia

The developed microprocessor automatic control system is presented. The system is intended to use in large physics experiments, there the very fast multichannel control of object is necessary. The algorithm of the system work is different from the convenient one. Usually in existing large control complexes central computer sends control data packets to peripheral microprocessors and they simultaneously execute the commands. Such systems usually use cheap narrow band connections between central and peripheral processors (for instance, coaxial wiring). In the case when the transfer of large amount of data is necessary (particularly, then the processes in the object are very fast), the precise timing synchronization of all control tasks is unavailble. We have found such complexes may be easily modified to execute the time-sensitive applications. We have developed the system with central clocks which synchronize all peripheral devices. After the central computer starts an experiment, every peripheral microprocessor runs its internal clocks and automatically correct it.The system was designed as a group of microprocessor modules, bounded with a common line. Each microprocesor module includes the analog path for working with analog sensors and output devices. Also there is a local mini-keyboard and LED display. In addition the high power analog amplifiers and the power supply system for it were developed. An example of system application is described in detail. The system was used to control the gas medium composition in experiments on the synthesis of plasma. The system allows to maintain plasma parameters and to prolong its lifetime. Before the start of experiment the data of gas components concentration are transferred into the microprocessor module. Then, during the experiment the peripheral microprocessor reproduces these data -it drives the gas valves to increase or reduce the amount of the gas components. To connect a central computer with the microprocessor module we used old narrow band fiber optic line, which was a part of the plant. During the experiment small data packets with information of gas pressure, temperature etc. are transferred in/out the central computer in real time. To improve the reproducing and effciency of experiments the theory of experiment planning can be applied. Then a user must calculate and form so-called 'pressure images'. To ease and visualize the planning of experiment the special software was developed.

Submitted by: Victor M. Rybin
Full address: Kashirskoe shosse,31, Moscow, 115409, Moscow State Engineering Physics Institute (Technical University).
E-mail address:
Fax number: 7-095-324-2111
Keywords: microprocessor system, control, physics plants.


Marc Vanden Eynden - CERN SPS and LEP Controls Group

co-author : Pierre Ninin - CERN ST/MC Group CERN CH1211 - Geneva 23 - Switzerland

Building and maintaining control systems for high energy physics is becoming an increasingly complex and costly activity. The quickly evolving technology and the tied budget conditions require today a better management of our engineering activities. This situation led us to organize these activities as "projects" and to use modern project management practices already widely spread in industry.In this context, the re-engineering of the controls infrastructure of the two CERN largest particle accelerators - SPS and LEP - as well as the supervision of the CERN wide technical services are fully conducted as projects with special control over the costs, resources, objectives, activities and maintenance aspects. This paper presents a realistic view of our experience in project management with special emphasis on its applicability in a research environment, on the impact on the current working practices and on the potential benefits for the future. Some key concepts and techniques of project management are introduced and illustrated through practical examples.

Author's name: Marc Vanden Eynden - CERN SPS and LEP Controls Group
co-author : Pierre Ninin - CERN ST/MC Group
Full address: CERN CH1211 - Geneva 23 - Switzerland
E-mail address:
FAX number: + 41.22 767.85.70
Keywords: Engineering, Project Management, Control systems

ID034: The new radiation safety control systemof GANIL and its extension to the rib SPIRAL facility

T.T. Luong, J.C.Deroy, P.De Saint Jores, L.Martina

Grand Accélérateur National d'Ions Lourds BP 5027 - F 14 076 Cedex 5, France

A new generation of radiation safety control system was carried out. Extending this VME-based system to encompass the forthcoming rib (radioactive ion beam) SPIRAL facility is under way. The extension is being developed along several directions :

  • Hardware and software upgrades
  • Graphical user interface enhancement
  • Communication shielding
  • Access badge system renewal
  • Requirements and choices are discussed. Results are presented.

    Submitted by: Tam T. LUONG
    Full address: GANIL BP 5027 14 076 CAEN Cedex 5, France
    E_mail address:
    Fax number: (33) 02 31 45 46 65
    Keywords: Radiation safety control ,User interfer

    ID035: A PC-Based Control System for HiSOR

    Kenichi Aoki, Kayoko Kawamura, Daizo Amano

    Laboratory for Quantum Equipment Technology, Sumitomo Heavy Industries, Ltd. 2-1-1 Yato-cho, Tanashi-city, Tokyo 188, Japan

    Katsuhide Yoshida

    Hiroshima Synchrotron Radiation Center, Hiroshima University 1-3-1 Kagamiyama, Higashi-hiroshima, Hiroshima 739, Japan

    A control system for a synchrotron radiation source for Hiroshima Synchrotr on Radiation Center, Hiroshima University (HiSOR) is developed. The SR source system is consisted of a 150MeV Microtron and a 700MeV storage ring (AURORA-2D) with 2 undulators. The control system has 4 PCs, and a file server. One of PC is for control devices , another is for beam diagnostics (they are called EXUs : execution units) and other two are for man-machine communication (called OPUs : operation units). They are connected together by Ethernet. In this control system, programs are executed on MS-DOS (product of Microsoft Corp.) and NetWare (product of Novell Inc.). Btrieve (included in the NetWare) is used as a network database. Features of this control system are: (1) PC are employed as control computers. PC are inexpensive and their performance grow very rapidly. You can expect that you can get better performance by replacing PC in future. (2) Standard interface such as GPIB or RS-232C are used as input/output interface. You can get various interface. You can expect that You can get functionally equivalent interfaces if you replace PC. (3) Programs are divided into two, fundamental programs and application or embedded programs. Fundamental programs support GPIB, RS-232C and network I/O. I/O data are queued and processed to write embedded programs without knowing detail of input/output mechanisms. (4) Man-machine interface is executed on separate PC, and plural man-machine PC are accepted. You can make various type or dedicated type of man-machine interface PC and connect it to the network. For example, a man-machine interface PC for non-expert user has limited function, or a man-machine interface PC for gateway, which has no function but accept command from beam line user. In latter case, commands from user might be filtered to prevent serious affection. (5) Network database on the file server reduces traffics between OPU and EXU. Periodically acquired data by EXU is stored into a network database on the file server. All OPUs don't get current data directory from EXU, but from this database. This mechanism reduces traffics between OPUs and EXUs and OPUs are able to get latest data without waiting response from a device.. (6) Network operating system provides securities. All files are kept in the file server and you can define access level to keep security. The HiSOR system is under commissioning with this control system. A injection current of 200mA and a stored current at 700MeV of 85mA have been attained. Machine study and parameter optimization are in progress now.

    Submitted by: Kenichi Aoki
    Full address: 2-1-1 Yato-cho, Tanashi-City 188, JAPAN
    Telephone: +81-424-68-4483
    E-mail address:
    Fax: +81-424-68-4477
    Keywords : PC based control systems

    ID036: Turn-by-turn Beam Diagnostic System


    Kurchatov Synchrotron Radiation Source, 123182 Moscow, Russia

    A.Batrakov, V.Shilo Budker

    Institute of Nuclear Physics, 630090 Novosibirsk, Russia

    R.Nawrocky, J.Smith NSLS

    Brookhaven National Laboratory, 11973 Upton NY, USA

    A beam diagnostic system was developed and has been tested under the beam for VUV ring and X-Ray ring at NSLS. The system measures beam intensity and beam position at each revolution of the circulating beam and provides valuable information on the fast processes within the beam. The turn-by-turn diagnostic equipment based on beam position monitoring system and fast multi-channel dedicated VME-ADC board. The on-board sub-nanosecond programmable timing delay generator was used to select separate bunches. The 12-bit ADC board allows get data up to 32K turns from one BPM in both planes or from two BPMs in one plane. High-level software used to present turn-by-turn beam displacement, on-line spectrum of beam motion and phase-space diagrams. System could be useful to improve the performance of synchrotron light facilities, increase the injection efficiency and to observe nonlinear beam dynamics as a phase space monitor. The paper gives description of hardware and software system configuration, integration of the system in the existing control environment. The results of beam studies for routine injection procedure and for kick to stored beam are presented.

    Submitted by: Sergey N. Kuznetsov
    Full address: Kurchatov Synchrotron Radiation Source,RRC "Kurchatov Institute" 123182 Moscow, Russia
    E-mail address:
    Fax number: +7-095-882-5805
    Keywords: beam position , injection, optimisation

    ID037: An Experience of Integration Windows NT to the 'standard model' Control System.


    Kurchatov Synchrotron Radiation Source, 123182 Moscow, Russia

    J.Smith NSLS,

    Brookhaven National Laboratory, 11973 Upton NY, USA

    NSLS has a 'standard' model type of control system based on HP workstations under UNIX at high-level control and VME crates under VxWorks at real-time level. The middleware UCODE library supports interconnections between high level applications and real-time routines. This library was ported to PC to provide access of the Windows NT station to real-time control. This DLL library based on standard TCP/IP socket mechanism under Windows NT 4.0. Few high level applications were design. The Visual C++ 4 development system was used to port existing middleware library and to design operator interface. The OLE mechanism was used to implement high-level 2-D and 3-D data presentation. An experience of running MS-Windows high-level applications on the Windows NT server using remote X-Terminals or HP workstations are described. The advantages of the integration Windows NT workstation into the existing UNIX-VxWorks control environment are discussed. The project was design under software sharing collaboration between NSLS and Kurchatov SR source.

    Submitted by: Sergey N. Kuznetsov
    Full address: Kurchatov Synchrotron Radiation Source,RRC "Kurchatov Institute" 123182 Moscow, Russia
    E-mail address:
    Fax number: +7-095-882-5805
    Keywords: middleware,high-level application ,OLE

    ID038: Virtual Instrument Technology using in
    the BEPC Beam Diagnostic System

    K.W.Xue, P.Shi and L.Ma

    Institute of High Energy Physics, P.O.Box 918(10), Beijing 100039, China

    Virtual Instrument Technology is delivered in the BEPC Beam Diagnostic System by using LabView to take automatic measurement and analysis. In this paper,we will discuss the implementation of LabView applications based on client/server model via TCP/IP, also describe the hardware interface to the instrument and software interface to the other programs. A summary of integrating Virtual Instrument Technology with the existing BEPC Beam Diagnostic System is given.

    Submitted by: K.W.Xue
    Full address: IHEP, P.O.Box 918(10), Beijing 100039, China
    E-mail address:
    Fax number: +86 10 68213374
    Tel number: (8610)68213344-2441
    Keywords: virtual instrument Labview diagnostics client/server TCP/IP

    ID039: BEPC Online Runtime Database Service System

    P.Shi and L.Ma

    Institute of High Energy Physics, P.O.Box 918(10), Beijing 100039, China

    BEPC Online Runtime Database Service System based on client/server model via TCP/IP has been introduced to provide various services from data record, query, statistics, analysis to report. The kernel of the system is an online SQL Server database. Users such as specialist, machine operators and managers can get data and charts from any machine connected to the network. They can also use Web Browsers to get information. The system is running successfully since BEPC96' autumn startup. This paper describes the overall design and functions of the system.

    Submitted by: P.Shi
    Full address: IHEP, P.O.Box 918(10), Beijing 100039, China
    E-mail address:
    Fax number: +86 10 68213374
    Tel number: (8610)68213344-2441
    Keywords: database service client/server TCP/IP SQL Web brower

    A040: Control of Distributed Data Acquisition Systems using Object Oriented Methods

    G. Kemmerling, M. Korten

    Institut fuer Plasmaphysik, Forschungszentrum Juelich EURATOM Association 52425 Juelich, Germany

    M. Drochner, P. Wuestner, K. Zwoll Zentrallabor fuer Elektronik

    Forschungszentrum Juelich 52425 Juelich, Germany

    Current data acquisition systems at medium scale and large experiments are typically built with distributed processors, each having a distinct functionality. An adequate way for the remote control of such systems are client/server architectures, being developed using object oriented methods. The conventional method to implement the client/server connectivity are remote procedure calls (RPC's) or TCP/IP based socket communication using a special protocol for data exchange. With the Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA) a new object oriented, standardized architecture for such distributed systems has been evolved, which provides a high degree of modularity in software design and which allows flexible implementations. This paper will describe a new modular integrated overall system design for local and remote control of distributed data acquisition systems. Work is influenced by two projects at the Forschungszentrum Juelich, both of which use object oriented methods, but different ways of implementation for remote control. In the first project, a client/server based data acquisition system was developed for experiments at the COoler SYnchrotron COSY at Juelich. It is called EMS (Experimental Message Specification) and logically based on MAP/MMS (ISO9506) respectively FMS (DIN19245/2 and EN50170), powerful application layer protocols for distributed automation systems in industry. In EMS, experiment specific devices, resources and their functionality were mapped on abstract objects. This provides an uniform image for the communication between clients and server. Servers are implemented on different operating systems and hardware in the frontend, whereas client implementations reside on UNIX workstations. For the communication between client and server, a special process on a workstation is responsible, which uses TCP/IP sockets. In the second ongoing project, the existing distributed system for data acquisition (DAS) at the local fusion experiment TEXTOR94 is to be upgraded. DAS is currently restricted to VAX/VMS and DECNET based communications, but it is planned to add UNIX based systems, and to open the local network for an improved wide area network access for remote operations. Therefore, the DAS system is to be equipped with a suitable client/server interface, which is able to cope with the various computer platforms and operations involved. For this purpose, CORBA will be used. It is to act as a connecting link between the existing system and new extensions. In order to provide the desired client/server functionality, the components of the system (diagnostic, database etc.) are modelled by CORBA interfaces. Processes for diagnostic control and data readout in the existing OpenVMS system are aimed to be accessible by CORBA server implementations, whereas client implementations will be developed for platforms most frequently used at TEXTOR94. Communication between clients and servers are using TCP/IP and are to be managed by the CORBA environment. The advantages of both system (EMS and CORBA) can be combined. EMS with it's flexible object oriented structure allows the configuration of various experiment arrangements, whereas, in CORBA, the usage of a standardized protocol between client and server for local and remote control is very attractive. Thus CORBA will be an integration tool extending it's features up to the frontend systems where present CORBA implementations are not implemented.The paper will discuss the two basic projects and the benefits for combining the two approaches in one system.

    Submitted by: Dr. G. Kemmerling
    Full address: Forschungszentrum Juelich,Institut fuer Plasmaphysik, D-52425 Juelich
    E-mail address:
    Fax number: 49-2461-613573
    Keyword: Software sharing and Object oriented technologies