We would like to cordially invite you to the First International Symposium
on Radiation Detectors and Their Uses (ISRD2016) to be held in Tsukuba,
Japan, from January 18th to 21st, 2016. This international symposium is held
as the memorial conference of the 30th workshop on Radiation Detectors and
Their Uses. The workshop has been held for 30 years under the promotion of
High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK) and plays an unique role
to present an opportunity for researchers in many filed to discuss about all
topics related to radiation detectors in Japan. The symposium inherits the
aims of the workshop and succeeds in presenting with opportunities
internationally and in bringing together both young and experienced
scientists from all regions of the world to open avenues for their
collaboration at regional and global level. The symposium covers a wide
range of topics; basic processes in radiation detectors, detector
developments and instrumentation in radiation measurements and dosimetry,
and applications in the fields such as nuclear physics, astrophysics,
material sciences, medicine and engineering.
In the conference, a number of the (distinguished) invited speakers will deliver key-note talks, and there will be sessions by oral and poster presentations as given below.
- Basic Process of Radiation Detector
- Gas-filled Detector
- Scintillators and Scintillation Detectors (including Photodetectors)
- Semiconductor Detectors: Materials and Devices
- Neutron Detectors and Instrumentation
- High Energy and Nuclear Physics Instrumentation
- Imaging Systems for Medical, Non-destructive Testing, and Other Uses
- Radioactivity Measurements and Dose Evaluations
- Environmental Radiations (including topics in space and in Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant Accident)
The symposium is organized by KEK and JSPS 186th Committee on Radiation Science and Its Applications, and cooperated by JSAP Ionizing Radiation Division, AESJ Radiation Science and Technology Subcommittee and AESJ Kita-Kanto Branch. We are looking forward to seeing you in Tsukuba!
Shinichi Sasaki, Chair of the International Organizing Committee
Secretary: ISRD2016@ml.post.kek.jp
Organized by High Energy Accelerator Research Organization(KEK), JSPS 186th Committee on Radiation
Science and Its Applications