Evolution of the inhomogeneous universe: From Inflation to structure formation
6 (Wed) - 8 (Fri), November 2024
Seminar Hall, 1F Bldg. 3 (K03), Tsukuba Campus
KEK, Tsukuba, Japan
This workshop aims to foster mutual understanding among researchers working in diverse yet related fields of cosmology. Our primary focus is on the generation of primordial fluctuations during inflation and the subsequent structure formation of the Universe. Several related topics have been discussed in both fields.
The workshop will focus on invited talks, but general talks will also be accepted. This workshop is planned to be held in-person only.
The topics to be covered in this workshop include:
- Effective field theory approach
- Coarse-graining of small scales
- Separate Universe approach
- Stochastic approach and infrared physics in inflation
Invited Speakers:
- Richard Bond (CITA)
- Giovanni Cabass (Ruđer Bošković institute)
- Sebastian M. Cespedes Castillo (Imperial Colleage London)
- Tomohiro Fujita (Ochanomizu University)
- Yin Li (Peng Cheng Laboratory)
- Shun-Pei Miao (National Cheng Kung University)
- Mehrdad Mirbabayi (ICTP)
- Atsushi Naruko (YITP)
- Takahiro Nishimichi (Kyoto Sangyo U. )
- Atsuhisa Ota (Chongqing University)
- Shi Pi (ITP)
- Fabian Schmidt (MPA)
- Yu-ichiro Tada (Nagoya University)
- Koki Tokeshi (ICRR)
- Richard Woodard (University of Florida)
- Chulmoon Yoo (Nagoya University)
- Ying-li Zhang (Tongji University, China)
Detailed program is HERE.
The Banquet for the workshop will be held at the workshop center on Thursday November 7th.
Workshop fees
- There is no registration fee to attend the workshop, but registration is required. A separate fee applies for the optional banquet.
- Banquet fee:
- ¥ 3,500 for students.
- ¥ 5,500 for others.
- To expedite the registration process, please pay the exact amount by cash at the registration desk.
Deadline for requesting VISA support: August 31, 2024
Deadline for applying travel support: September 30, 2024
Deadline for abstract submission: September 30, 2024
Registration deadline:: October 25, 2024
Registration form and application form for wifi
Procedures for Registration (日本語版あり)
Ms. Tomoko Numata, Secretary, Theory Center, IPNS, KEK
tomokon [at] post.kek.jp
Seminar Hall on the ground floor at Building 3 (San-Go-Kan) Seminar Hall, 1F Bldg. 3, K03 (K03 San-Go-Kan Bldg.) on the KEK Tsukuba campus.
Come to KEKアクセス
Bus schedule between Narita Airport and Tsukuba Center
Bus schedule between Tsukuba Center and KEK bus stop
From KEK bus stop to Bldg.3 (K03, San-Go-Kan) [Google Maps]

To find the best way to get to Tsukuba Station, please visit the
following website (and enter e.g. from Narita to Tsukuba, etc.):
For a guide to where to eat around KEK and more, please see the
following pages:
Other informations
- Please be aware of fraudulent emails requesting personal information or financial details in exchange for accommodation. We will never ask for such information. If you receive a suspicious email, please do not reply.
- If you need a VISA to visit Japan, please see the details in Travel Support.
- We will contact applicants selected for travel support to explain the next steps.
- Weather in Tsukuba, Ibaraki Southern Region:
- Yuko Urakawa (KEK, Chair)
- Takahiko Matsubara (KEK)
- Misao Sasaki (IPMU)
- Masahiro Takada (IPMU)
- Takahiro Tanaka (Kyoto U.)
- Yuko Urakawa (KEK, Chair)
- Kazuyuki Akitsu (KEK)
- Takahiko Matsubara (KEK)
- Pankaj Saha (KEK)
- KEK Theory Center
- JST FOREST Program under Contract No. JPMJFR222Y, (Y. Urakawa).
- Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research under Contract JP21KK0050, and JP23K25873, (Y. Urakawa).
- Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) under Project No. 20K03928, (T. Tanaka).