Information Bulletin No.1

#                                                                  #
#                            ACAT03                                #
#                                                                  #
#           TECHNIQUES IN PHYSICS RESEARCH (ACAT03)                #
#                                                                  #
#                 1-5 December, 2003, Tsukuba, Japan               #
#                                                                  #
#      High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK)         #
#                                                                  #

                   INFORMATION BULLETIN No.1

The main purpose of the ACAT (formerly AIHENP) series of
workshops is to gather physicists (experimentalists and
theorists) and computer science oriented researchers to exchange
ideas, to discuss standards and to promote new technologies
related to "Computing intelligence" in physics research.

The scope of this workshop is essentially dedicated to the
applications of "Computing intelligence" i.e. all the software
tools that help human communicate with computers or that allow
computers to mimic the human way of thinking. The man-machine
interface paradigm is central for the following issues: Data
representation and analysis, statistical analysis, neural nets,
genetic and evolutionary algorithms, warm intelligence, expert
systems, "agent" technology, distributed intelligence, robotics,
symbolic algebra, automatic reasoning, automatic programming,

The applications are targeted mainly to particle and nuclear
physics, astrophysics and accelerator science.  Other fields
(robotics, nanotechnologies, bio-computing) should not be left
apart as they may have similar problems and common solution can
be proposed.

Among the various hot topics in the field to be discussed at the
workshop, the following stand out:

Unprecedented amounts of data (hundreds of Terabytes to
Petabytes) in on-going and future high energy and nuclear
physics experiments pose a real challenge to all basic
components of computing in physics research such as data
acquisition, data mining and analysis.

Finding new physics phenomena often require extracting tiny
signals in the data from amidst huge backgrounds. Making
precision measurements also require extraction of signal with
high efficiency.  The impressive success of artificial
intelligence methods (in particular, the neural networks)
promises further achievements in solving these problems.

Computer algebra finds a wide application area, in particular as
an effective tool for the preparation and the evaluation of
problems, as well as for providing precise predictions on the
basis of exact theoretical computations of physical quantities.

Participation of young investigators just starting research in
the field will be of great importance for the real success of
the workshop because ideas and initiatives to be discussed there
are assumed to be realized and further developed in the future
by this new generation of scientists.


 H. Abramowicz (Tel Aviv Univ.),
 K.-H. Becks (Wuppertal Univ.),
 P. Bhat (Fermilab, Batavia),
 R. Brun (CERN, Geneva),
 B. Denby (Versailles Univ.),
 J. Fleischer (Bielefeld Univ.),
 I. Foster (ANL, Argonne),
 R. Gatto (Geneva Univ.),
 G. Gonnet (ETHZ, Zurich),
 V. Ilyin (SINP MSU, Moscow),
 F. James (CERN, Geneva),
 T. Kaneko (KEK, Tsukuba),
 M. Kasemann  (Fermilab, Batavia),
 A. Kataev (INR RAS, Moscow),
 S. Kawabata (KEK, Tsukuba),
 C. Kiesling (MPI, Munich),
 P. Kunz (SLAC, Stanford),
 M. Kunze (Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe),
 L. Lonnblad (Lund Univ.),
 V. Matveev (INR RAS, Moscow),
 P. Overmann (Wolfram Research, Inc.),
 D. Perret-Gallix (IAC Chair, CNRS),
 C. Peterson (Lund Univ.),
 E. Remiddi (Bologna Univ.),
 L. Robertson (CERN, Geneve),
 R. Rosner (University of Chicago),
 R. Ryne (LBL, Berkeley),
 J. Seixas (UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro),
 Y. Shimizu (KEK, Tsukuba),
 D. Shirkov (JINR, Dubna),
 A. Smirnitsky (ITEP, Moscow),
 J. Vermaseren (NIKHEF, Amsterdam),
 Y. Watase (KEK, Tsukuba),
 M. Werlen (LAPTH, Annecy-Le-Vieux).

  S. Kawabata (KEK, Tsukuba),
  Y. Shimizu (KEK, Tsukuba),
  Y. Watase (KEK, Tsukuba),
  K. Amako (KEK, Tsukuba),
  K. Inoue (Tohoku Univ., Sendai),
  T. Kaneko (KEK, Tsukuba),
  N. Katayama (KEK, Tsukuba),
  S. Kim (Univ. of Tsukuba),
  H. Sakamoto (Univ. of Tokyo),
  K. Tokushuku (KEK, Tsukuba),
  T. Uematsu (Kyoto Univ.),
  S. Yamashita (Univ. of Tokyo),


Reports on applications of modern computing techniques in
different areas of physics will be followed by discussions of
the problems as well as new ideas and projects within working
groups and in the framework of round tables.  Since this meeting
is a workshop for development of computer technology for
physical researches, the talks will be focused on practical
applications or special technologies for physics researches.
The description of large distributing systems or general purpose
middle-ware such as the Grid system will not be covered by the
parallel sessions but by a plenary talk as a basic information.

    Main topics to be covered are:

I. Computing Technology and Environment for Physics Research

    = Parallel Computing Technologies and Applications
    = Data Fabric and Data Management
    = Online Monitoring and Control
    = Advanced Analysis Environments
    = Innovations in Software Engineering
    = Graphic User Interfaces, Common Libraries

II. Innovative Algorithms and Tools for Data Analysis

    = Neural Networks and Other Pattern Recognition Techniques
    = Evolutionary and Genetic Algorithms
    = Statistical Methods for Data Analysis
    = Detector Simulations
    = Reconstruction Algorithms

III. Simulations and Computations in Theoretical Physics and Phenomenology

    = Automatic Computation Systems: from Feynman Diagrams to Events
    = Multi-loop Calculations and Higher Order Corrections
    = Multi-dimensional Integration and Event Generators
    = Computer Algebra Techniques and Applications


Talks will be selected by the Program Committee on the basis of
abstracts to be submitted before 31 July, 2003.

The Proceedings will be published after Workshop, a special
circular with the instructions for authors will be sent out

                 PARTICIPATION FEE

The registration fee is 30,000 JPY for participants and 15,000
JPY for accompanying persons payable in cash upon arrival only.
It includes a copy of the Proceedings, welcome party,
coffee-breaks and workshop banquet.  Registration fee for
students is 20,000 JPY.


Accommodation of participants will be arranged in hotels
situated in the Tsukuba Science City.

Detailed information on available hotels will be communicated
later through e-mail and workshop web page.

                 TRAVEL INFORMATION

The campus of KEK is situated in the north part of Tsukuba
Science City, about 60 km north-east of Tokyo.  The detailed
travel information will be communicated later to the registered


    For titles and abstracts of talks -  10 September, 2003
                           (changed from 31 July,      2003)

    For registration to the workshop  -  15 October,   2003


Those who wish to participate in the Workshop should either fill
in the enclosed pre-registration form and send it to the
Organizing Committee or use electronic registration available on
our Web page. Electronic or fax correspondence is preferred:

      Fax:    +81-29-864-4402
    Phone:    +81-29-879-6008, +81-29-864-5386

but applications and letters submitted by regular post may be
sent to:

  Dr. Toshiaki Kaneko
  Computing Research Center,
  High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK)
  1-1 Oho, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-0801 Japan


                            PRE-REGISTRATION FORM

I plan to attend the XI International Workshop ACAT02 
in Tsukuba, Japan, 1-5 December, 2003.

Family name:_____________________ First name:__________________Sex:_______

Position (title):_________________________________________________________





E-mail address:___________________________________________________________

Accompanying persons (yes/no):________________

Visa to enter Japan (yes/no):________________

If yes

    Date of birth:________________________________________________________

    Place of birth:_______________________________________________________


    Passport Number:______________________________________________________

    Date of Expiration:___________________________________________________

    Location of the Japanese Consulate to which you will apply for visa

    (town, country):____________________________________________________

    Arrival date:___________________Departure date:_____________________

Please fill in this form and send it to the Local Organizing
Committee of the Workshop:

Dr. Toshiaki Kaneko

Computer Research Center,
High Energy Accelerator
Research Organization (KEK)
1-1 Oho, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-0801 Japan

      Fax  +81-29-864-4402
    Phone  +81-29-879-6008, +81-29-864-5386