Equipments for The Talk Presentations, Internet Connections

Multimedia projectors for presentations with PC and overheads for transparencies are available for oral presentations. A PC with Microsoft Windows 2000 will be equipped for each parallel session for the presentation with a file in PDF or Microsoft ppt format. For other operating systems or files saved in other format, you can present your talk with your own PC. Since we would like to check before your talk whether your file is really suitable to our equipment, you are asked to bring your file to the Workshop Office the day before your talk on diskettes, USB disks or CD. In order to avoid troubles, please bring also the file saved in the format of an older version of the software. When your file includes special characters such as umlaut signs, Russian characters, Chinese characters etc., it may cause problems. If your talk is arranged on 1st December, please send your file to us through e-mail :

by 27th November.

For the poster presentation you will have in your disposal in a A0 sheet (1 square meter = 16 standard A4 sheets) of a board in the 1st floor of Building 3. The materials can be hanged on starting from 2nd of December and the poster session will continue three days (2nd, 3rd and 4th of December).

In the Workshop Office, several PCs and a number of wired and wireless connections for mobile PCs will be available. Wireless connections will be available in the lecture hall of each parallel session. Wireless connection protocol is IEEE 802.11b (compatible with most wireless adapters).