No. 19 (00099) Family name : Niukkanen Given name : Arthur Affiliation : Vernadsky Institute, RAS Abbreviation : GEOKHI RAS E-mail address :; Title : OPERATOR FACTORIZATION METHOD AS A BASIS FOR ADVANCED ANALYSIS AND ADVANCED SYMBOLIC COMPUTING OF MULTIPLE HYPERGEOMETRIC SERIES (theses) Authors : A.W.Niukkanen Abstract : \documentclass{article} \newcommand{\an}[2]{\langle #1 | #2 \rangle} \begin{document} \begin{center} {\bf OPERATOR FACTORIZATION METHOD AS A BASIS FOR ADVANCED ANALYSIS AND ADVANCED SYMBOLIC COMPUTING OF MULTIPLE HYPERGEOMETRIC SERIES (theses) } \vspace{5mm} {\large\bf A.W. Niukkanen}\\ Vernadsky Institute for Geo and Analytical Chemistry (GEOKHI RAS),\\ Kossygin St. 19, Laboratory of Molecular Modelling and Spectroscopy, \\ %Mathematical and Computational Group, 119991 Moscow, Russia \\ Phone: (095)1376371, (0872)347383 \quad Fax: (095)9382054 \\ E-mail:, \end{center} \vspace{5mm} {\bf 1. $\Omega$-multiplication of functions} $u(x),v(x)$ is defined by $w(x)=\,\,=u[\,d(s)\,]\,v(xs)\,|_{s=0}$ where $d(s)$ is differentiation operator. $\Omega$-mul\-ti\-pli\-ca\-tion is commutative and associative; $exp(x)$ plays the role of $\Omega$-unit. {\bf 2. On the products of power series and the products of their coefficients.} Let $F[A;x],F[B;x]$ and $F[A,B;x]\equiv F[A\times B;x]$ be the formal series of functions $x^i/i!\,\,(i=0,1,\ldots)$ with coefficients $A(i), B(i)$ and $A(i)B(i)$, respectively. It is known that multiplication of power series corresponds to convolution of their coefficients. {\it Vice versa}, multiplication of coefficients of two series corresponds to $\Omega$-multiplication of the series, that is $F[A\times B;x]\linebreak = \,\,\equiv F[A;\,d(s)] F[B;xs]\,|_{s=0}\,$. This formula can serve us as a simplest example of factorization formula. {\bf 3. Power series form a commutative group with respect to $\Omega$-mul\-ti\-pli\-ca\-tion}. This statement follows from Sec.~1 because the series $F[*/\!/A;\,x]$ with coefficients $[A(i)]^{-1}$ is $\Omega$-invertion of the $F[A;\,x]$. {\bf 4. Operator factorization principle.} Operator factorization formula \\ $ F[A,B,\ldots\,/\!/D,E,\ldots\,;\,x] =\, \,, $ \\ reduces any series to simple series (analysis stage). Using the properties of the simple series and some auxiliary identities (see Sec.8) one can obtain then a transformed algebraic expression for the initial series using an appropriate factorization formula "in reverse order" (synthesis stage). {\bf 5. For the practical applicability of the factorization method} it is necessary that the series under consideration should satisfy some relations following from their structure rather than being imposed at will of researcher. Due to a wide variety of different types of hypergeometric series arising in applications including combinatorics and probability theory and great number of their properties these series give us a natural "touchstone" for the factorization method. {\bf 6. Hypergeometric series}. Any hypergeometric series is a particular case of a general hypergeometric series $^N\!F$ in functions $x_1^{i_1}\,\cdots\,x_N^{i_N}\,/\,i_1!\,\cdots\,i_N!$ \,with coefficients $(a,\, m_1i_1\,+\cdots+\,m_Ni_N)\, (b,\,l_1i_1\,+\cdots+\,l_Ni_N) \cdots\, (\,i_n =0,1,2,\,\ldots\,;\, \linebreak n=1,\,\ldots\,,N)$, where $(a,\,I) = a(a+1)\ldots(a+I-1) = \Gamma(a+I)\,/\,\Gamma(a)$ is the Pochhammer symbol. Denoting by ${\bf m}, {\bf l}$ the sets of "spectral numbers" $m_n, l_n\, (n=1,\,\ldots\,,N)$, the general hypergeometric series $G$ can be written as $G\equiv ^N\!F[, ,\,\ldots\,;\, x_1,\,\ldots\,,x_N]$. {\bf 7. General and special factorization formulas}. General factorization formula of the series $G$ is analogous to formulas given in Secs.~2,4: \\ $ G =\! ^N\!F[<\!\!a\,|\,{\bf m}\!>,\,\ldots\,;\,d(s_1),\,\ldots\,,d(s_N)] ^N\!F[<\!\!b\,|\,{\bf l}>,\,\ldots\,;\,x_1s_1,\,\ldots\,,x_Ns_N]|_{{\bf s}={\bf 0}}. $ \\ Special dependence of the multipliers $(a,m_1i_1+\cdots+m_Ni_N)$ on $i_1,\,\ldots\,,i_N$ gives rise to the special factorization formula \\ \hspace*{15mm} $ G = \,^1F[a;\,d(s)]\,^N\!F[,\,\ldots\,;x_1s^{m_!}\,,\ldots\,,x_Ns^{m_N}]|_{s=0}\,. $ \\ These two formulas allow any series to be reduced to the binomial series $F^1_0[a;\,x]$ and Bessel-type series $F^0_1[*/\!/b;\,z]$. {\bf 8. Auxiliary identities}. Along with formulas given in Sec.~7 we use the following "derivation rules": operator identities (for example, the shift operator formula $\exp[u\,d(x)]\,f(x)=f(x+u)$, operator argument displacement formula $\exp(-vx)F[d(x)]\exp(vx)=F[d(x)+v]$, the relations $F[d(x)]\,\exp(ux)\linebreak =F(u)\,\exp(ux)$, $d^n(x)\,F[{\bf d};\,ux] = u^n({\bf d},n)\,F[{\bf d}+n;\,ux]$, etc.), operator $\Omega$-eq\-u\-i\-va\-len\-ce formulas (for example, $F[d(s)]s^n \Psi(s)|_{s=0} = F^{(n)}[d(s)] \Psi(s)|_{s=0}$; $F[d(s)]\Psi(s)|_{s=0} = f(s)F[d(s)]\Psi(s)|_{s=0}$, if $f(0)=1$; $F^1_0[\,a;d(s)\,] \exp(xs)\, \Psi(s)|_{s=0}\,\linebreak =\, (1-x)^{-a}\, F^1_0[\,a;\,(1-x)^{-1}\,d(s)\,] \Psi(s)|_{s=0}$\,) as well as simple algebraic identities for $F^1_0[a;\,x]$ and $F^0_0[*;\,z]$, permutations of parameters, etc. {\bf 9. Within the new mathematical paradigm} (see Sec.~4) the above formulas together with new theoretical concepts (of $\Omega$-equivalent operators -- see Sec.~8, $\Omega$-identical transformations, $\Omega$-equivalent relations) play the role of "meta-language" making possible derivation of any formula for any hypergeometric series. These "derivation rules" can be also looked upon as prototypes of instructions for {\bf a new algorithmic language} allowing a universal interactive program of computer analysis of hypergeometric series to be developed in the near future. {\bf 10. The fundamentals of a new theory of hypergeometric functions have been developed}. The main results have been obtained in the following domains: tranformation properties of hypergeometric series; finding of analytical coefficients of functional expansions; reducibility conditions for multiple series; duality relationship between coefficients occuring in addition and linearization formulas; recurrence relations; diagram technique for representation of multiple series; special properties of particular types of hypergeometric series. {\bf 11. Analytical merits of the new theory} will be demonstrated by derivation of 4 universal generating functions for classical polynomials and by analysis of conditions assuring positivity of linearization coefficients for the Laguerre polynomials. {\bf Physical applictions} will be illustrated by analysis of Davydychev multiple hypergeometric series connected with Feynman diagrams. {\bf Computer advantages} of the developed bounded-universal symbolic manipulation programs will be confirmed by derivation of reduction formulas for multiple Gel'fand series and automated analysis of transformation properties of an Appell function. None of the existent computer algebra systems, nor any of the more specialized symbolic software can cope with thus much complicated problems. \end{document}