================================================================================ First circular KEK theory center workshop on High-energy hadron physics with hadron beams January 6 - 8, 2010, KEK, Tsukuba, Japan http://www-conf.kek.jp/hadron1/hehp-th10/ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The workshop on high-energy hadron physics with hadron beams will be held from January 6 to January 8, 2010 at KEK, Tsukuba, Japan. This workshop is intended to discuss topics on high-energy hadron physics with the high-momentum hadron beams at J-PARC and related facilities such as Fermilab, GSI-FAIR, and CERN-COMPASS. The J-PARC is an accelerator complex with a 30 (50) GeV main ring for high-intensity proton beam (http://j-parc.jp/index-e.html). The Phase-1 construction has already been completed, and the beam operation has started. The workshop topics include * hadron properties in nuclear medium, * partonic structures of nucleon and nuclei, * QCD and hard processes with hadron beams, * other physics opportunities with polarized and unpolarized hadron beams. The goal of the workshop is to discuss exciting hadron physics programs which can be pursued at J-PARC and other hadron facility. If you are interested in participating in this workshop, please send the attached pre-registration form by email. We have some funds to cover domestic travel and local expenses for participants. The list of speakers will be announced in the workshop web page and in the second circular The second circular will be distributed in November, and it includes detailed information on practical matters such as registration, housing, etc. ---------------- Pre-registration ---------------- If you are interested in participating in the workshop, please send the following form by email. -------------------------- cut --------------------------- To: hadron-th09(AT)ml.post.kek.jp (AT)--->@ Subject: Preregistration, high-energy hadron physics Name: Affiliation: Email: Expected dates of visit: Arrival Departure -------------------------- cut --------------------------- ------------ Registration ------------ A registration form will be attached on the second circular. The registration fee is planned to be about 5000-Yen, including the fee for a get-together party and coffee. The exact amount of the registration fee will be announced in the second circular. ------------- Accommodation ------------- The KEK dormitory is closed for renovation during the workshop. The participants are accommodated to nearby hotels or hotels close to the city center. Please send the attached pre-registration form if you are interested in the workshop, so that we could allocate some rooms for participants. ------------- Workshop site -------------- High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK) 1-1, Ooho, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, 305-0801, Japan Homepage: http://www.kek.jp/intra-e/index.html Access to KEK: http://www.kek.jp/intra-e/access/index.html ------------ Organization ------------ Organizing committee: Kazunori Itakura (KEK), Shunzo Kumano (KEK) Jen-Chieh Peng (Univ Illinois), Shin'ya Sawada (KEK) Email: hadron-th09(AT)ml.post.kek.jp (AT)--->@ ========================================================================