"Neutron sources will be needed to characterize the material of future fusion reactors. The Linear IFMIF Prototype Accelerator (LIPAc) is a full scale prototype aiming at validating the low energy part of such neutron sources up to their first cryomodule. Built under the Broader Approach (BA) agreement between Japan and Europe, LIPAc will produce a deuteron beam of 125 mA at 9 MeV in continuous wave.
The development of LIPAc followed a staged approach during which construction phases alternated with commissioning campaigns. After completing the first injector commissioning campaign in 2017 and producing a 125 mA 5 MeV D+ beam at 0.1% duty cycle in 2019, a 5 MeV beam reached the high energy beam dump for the first time in 2021. The evolution of LIPAc configuration over that time was accompanied by the development of the operational organization to allow safe operation of the machine.
This poster presents the LIPAc general layout and describe the current organization put in place to operate the accelerator. It focuses in particular on the structure of operation team."