In order to protect the hardware components of the SuperKEKB accelerator against the high beam currents, we installed the controlled abort system. Beam abort monitor systems were prepared aiming to monitor the machine operation and to diagnose the hardware components in each hardware group. Each monitor takes the data at that moment for each abort and confirms the cause of the abort. As a...
"Solenoid focusing can be used to compensate for space charge induced emittance growth at low beam energies. However, misalignment of the solenoid field with respect to the beam trajectory will introduce steering effects and poor emittance compensation.
I will present a scheme for the beam-based measurement of solenoid misalignments, using matrix expressions for transport through a rotated,...
NanoTerasu is a new 3 GeV compact soft X-ray (SX) light source with a circumference of 350m and an MBA lattice in Japan. The target brilliance is 1021 photons/sec/mm2/mrad2/0.1% b.w. To achieve the highly brilliant source, the storage ring was designed for a stored beam current of 400 mA and a horizontal beam emittance of 1nm rad. The injector linac and the storage ring commissioning was...