5-8 October 2021
Virtual Event
Europe/Madrid timezone

Controls in the Time of Covid

8 Oct 2021, 14:25
Zoom application, link on the 'Links' tab of the main menu

Zoom application, link on the 'Links' tab of the main menu

Oral presentation Track III: Lessons learned from the pandemic Lessons learnt from the pandemic


Ian Blackler (BNL)


The Collider-Accelerator Department at Brookhaven National Laboratory was in the midst of run 20 for RHIC when the Covid-19 pandemic struck. After a brief shutdown, the complex was back up and running. This talk covers the software and controls changes and upgrades made to facilitate resuming running, along with those tools we found most useful in maintaining performance and safety. For example, communications software, device and personnel activity monitoring, and a wish list of the things that never quite made it.

Session Session II: Running a Beam Particle Accelerator during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Primary author

Presentation Materials