5-8 October 2021
Virtual Event
Europe/Madrid timezone


Lessons learnt from the pandemic

8 Oct 2021, 14:00
Virtual Event

Virtual Event


Lessons learnt from the pandemic

  • Chair: Michael Bieler (DESY)


The outbreak of the pandemic in spring 2020 forced us to quickly adopt a lot of new policies and technologies for accelerator operations. Before, we did not need or like this policies or technologies, or we did not have the money and resources to introduce them.
If, one day, the pandemic is over, will we just go back to the operation we had before, or will we be happy to keep some of the pandemic driven innovations, because they have proven to be useful?
Talks in this session should focus on COVID-19 driven changes in operation that have become good practice, like remote or even automated operation (including machine learning?), remote access for troubleshooting or beam studies, remote training, video calls to the control room and other useful innovations.

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