The First Bulletin on the International Workshop
on B Factories and New Measurements (BNM2006)
The International Workshop on B Factories and New Measurements (BNM2006)
will be held in the Seminar Hall of Building 4 at KEK, Tsukuba, Japan on
13th and 14th of September, 2006.
The BNM workshop has two major goals:
One is to identify and document new measurements that can be carried out
at existing B factories as well as at a Super B Factory. Topics to be
discussed include physics at Upsilon(5S) and at other energies, new
ideas on Upsilon(4S), and new subdetectors that open the door to new
Contributions to the workshop on the topics above will be included in
the proceedings of the workshop,
which should be available by the end of 2006.
The other goal of the BNM is to update the document on the Physics at
Super B Factory (hep-ex/0406071) based on the latest experimental
results and techniques as well as new theoretical ideas and
developments. The new updated Super B Factory Physics Report will be
available by the end of 2006. Everybody who contributes to this
activity is eligible to be an author of the report.
This workshop aims to stimulate discussions between experimentalists
and theorists. To this end, a large amount of time will be devoted for
discussions. We welcome all theorists and experimentalists who are
interested in flavor physics, whether or not working for B factories now.
BNM2006 Local Organizing Committee
S. Hashimoto (KEK), M. Hazumi (KEK, chair), H. Ishino (TIT), K. Kinoshita
(Cincinnati), Y. Okada (KEK), O. Tajima (KEK)
BNM2006 Advisory Committee
T. Browder (Hawaii), P. Chang (NTU), T. Iijima (Nagoya), Y. Sakai (KEK),
M. Yamauchi (KEK)
The International Workshop on