8:30 - 10:00 |
Vacuum Technology for Particle Accelerators |
P. Chiggiato CERN |
Vacuum, i.e. a volume where the gas density is very low, is necessary in particle accelerators to avoid excessive beam loss, reduce material radioactivation, and protect high-voltage components from electrical sparks. In addition, insulation vacuum is needed to reduce thermal transport in cryogenic devices, like cryostats for superconductive cavities and magnets. The lecture is focused on the identification of gas sources, with and without circulating beams, and the methods used for removing gas molecules from the beam pipe. Surface and thermal treatments are considered, with emphasis on coatings. The methods for the calculation of pressure profiles along beam lines are presented; these encompass analytical and Monte Carlo approaches. The vacuum system-electrical circuit analogy is explained, and examples are shown. Gas pressure measurement in the ultrahigh vacuum regime is also briefly introduced. Finally, a few examples of vacuum operational aspects of the LHC and its injectors are presented. |
10:20 - 11:50 |
Mechanical Engineering of Accelerator |
K. Ueno KEK |
When promoting accelerator science, it is very important for scientific development to advance the elucidation of a real proof and a physical law for new theory. "The purpose of many of experiments is to verify a theoretical model, and theory builds the new model which describes a nature based on the knowledge acquired in the experiment." is declared in the KEK road map (2013). On our activity, based on the idea of a scientist or a researcher, an engineer will develop an experimental device jointly. In this case it is important that the experimental devices and technologies which matched the needs are developed. For the purpose, first of all, joint development by the teamwork of an engineer and a researcher, i.e., the development by engineering and a science, is an indispensable condition. I have the opportunity to prepare and build an experimental device and prototype machine, and cavity fabrication facility in KEK. How should we manufacture the craftsmanship of the scientific-experiments field of which large-sized R&D equipment recently? It is difficult for our team to maintain enlargement of an experimental device, and the highest level technology. Therefore, the development of the machine element, the evaluation test and accumulation of experimental data expected to be related to large-sized equipment development are developed usually as an important issue. I think that the technique of integrating such basic technology should be taken at the time which needs a large-sized institution and equipment as development. And also these fundamental technical development research activities are asked for participation of the young man who will play an active part in five years and ten years. And technical tradition is performed to them. In this session the development of technology and the status of the highest level engineering technology in KEK are explained based on actual activity. --- more ![]() |
13:00 - 14:30 |
Heavy Ion Acclerators |
O. Kamigaito RIKEN |
Heavy ion beams, defined as all the ion beams other than proton beam in this lecture, have been widely used in various fields of science and technology. They play key roles in the study of atomic nuclei, synthesis of new elements, and creation of nuclear matter of high temperature and density. They are also intensively used in cancer therapy and ion beam breeding. Heavy-ion beam facilities in these days are based on accelerator chains consisting of linacs, cyclotrons, and synchrotrons. There are several key issues used in these facilities; the electron-cyclotron-resonance (ECR) ion sources to produce highly charged ions, charge stripping and breeding techniques to make the charge states higher, variable-frequency rf systems to accommodate the wide range of the mass-to-charge ratio, and so on. This lecture gives an overview of the recent developments of the heavy ion accelerators and related technologies. In addition, present status of the rare-isotope beam facilities, rapidly growing in the world, will be illustrated as an example of modern accelerators. |
14:50 - 16:20 |
Sociology of High Energy Physics |
K. Hirata Sokendai |
High Energy Physics (HEP) needs expensive accelerators. Why the society
pays for it is a typical sociological question.
Including this issue, a life with accelerators is full of sociological
issues, not only scientific and technological. The manner how social aspects appear in accelerator life is multifold: (1) Global: HEP and (outer) society: a HEP project is accepted or rejected by the government almost regardless to its scientific value. Actually, SSC (Superconducting Super Collider) was canceled in 1993 after 20% of the budget was used. Little argument arose in the parliament on its scientific value. (2) Medium: Social aspects within HEP. The HEP physicists and accelerator physicists have different culture and behavior. Accelerator physicists attract HEP physicists with their new and fancy machines. HEP physicists buy it if they think they can win (in the academic battle) with this machine. (3) Local: Managing Accelerator Design is sometimes quite social: many problems we encounter in managing accelerator design and operation ``can be asked of science and yet which cannot be answered by science". The problem concerns with the ``facts" but cannot be answered/proved really. For example, it is to some extent unavoidable that a new pioneer machine shows unexpected behavior due to unknown instability. Designing advanced accelerators always face to this type of issues. This types of scientific questions are called trans-scientific[1]. When the issue is trans-scientific, science cannot give the answer. But technology needs the answer. In the lecture, I start with the Local issues because it is easier to conceive. We will ,however, see that the trans-scientific issues also characterizes the Medium and Global issues. |