+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+ | 1 Dec Mon | 2 Dec Tue | 3 Dec Wed | 4 Dec Thu | 5 Dec Fri | 9:00 +-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+ | | | | | | | Registr'n | Plenary | Plenary | Plenary | summary | | | | | | | | | | | | | 10:00 + +-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+ 10:30 + +-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+ | | 6 Talks | 6 Talks | 6 Talks | | 11:00 +-----------+ Session1+2| Session1 | Session1 | summary | | Opening | | Session2 | Session2 | | 11:30 +-----------+ Session3 | Session3 | Session3 | | | Plenary | | | | | 12:30 +-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+ 14:00 +-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+ | 4 Talks | 4 Talks | | 4 Talks | | Session1 | Session1 | Round | Session1a | | Session2 | Session2 | Table | Session1b | | Session3 | Session3 | | | 15:20 +-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+ 15:40 +-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+ | 4 Talks | 4 Talks | | 4 Talks | | Session1 | Session1 | KEK Tour | Session1 | | Session2 | Session2 | | Session2 | | Session3 | Session3 | | | 17:00 +-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+ 17:30 +-----------+ | | | Welcome | | Banquet | | Party | | | +-----------+ +-----------+
Date | Time | Title | Speaker | abst. | Chair. |
1 Dec (Mon) | 9:00--11:00 | Registration | |||
1 Dec (Mon) | 11:00--11:30 | Opening Session: Overview of KEK Activity | Shin-ichi Kurokawa (KEK) | talk1(ppt) talk2(ppt) |
S.Kawabata (KEK) |
1 Dec (Mon) | 11:30--12:30 | The Earth Simulator and Science in the Future | Tetsuya Sato (JAMSTEC) | abst. talk(ppt) |
S.Kawabata (KEK) |
2 Dec (Tue) | 9:00--10:00 | Status of the LCG project and highlights of related HEP Grid activity | Massimo Lamanna (CERN) | talk(ppt) | R.Brun (CERN) |
3 Dec (Wed) | 9:00--10:00 | Systematic Analysis of Frontier Energy Collider Data | Bruce Knuteson (MIT) | abst. talk(ppt) |
V.A.Ilyin (SINP MSU) |
4 Dec (Thu) | 9:00--10:00 | PHYSTAT2003: the SLAC Conference on statistical problems in Particle Physics, Astrophysics and Cosmology | Louis Lyons (Oxford Univ.) | abst. talk(pdf) |
J.Vermersen (NIKHEF) |
5 Dec (Fri) | 9:00--10:00 | Summary (session1) | Marcel Kunze (Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe) | talk(ppt) | R.Brun (CERN) |
5 Dec (Fri) | 10:30--11:00 | Summary (session2) | Bruce Denby (Univ. Versailles) | talk(pdf) | R.Brun (CERN) |
5 Dec (Fri) | 11:00--11:30 | Summary (session3) | Jochem Fleischer (Univ. of Bielefeld) | talk(pdf) | Y.Shimizu (KEK) |
5 Dec (Fri) | 11:30--11:45 | Closing Remarks | Denis Perret-Gallix (CNRS France) | talk(ppt) |
Time | Title | Authors | Abstract |
14:00--14:20 | Replica Consistency in a Data Grid | A. Domenici, F. Donno, K. Paschen, G. Pucciani, H. Stockinger, K. Stockinger | abs0007 talk(ppt) |
14:20--14:40 | First Experiences with Large SAN Storage in a Linux Cluster | Jos Vanwezel | abs0071 talk(ppt) |
14:40--15:00 | The SAM-Grid Fabric Services | Gabriele Garzoglio, Igor Terekhov, Andrew Baranovski, Lee Lueking, Parag Mhashilkar, Vijay Murthi | abs0115 talk(ppt) |
Time | Title | Authors | Abstract |
15:40--16:00 | Experience using grid tools for CDF Physics | Morag Burgon-Lyon, A. Stan Thompson, Igor Terekhov, Richard St. Denis, Gabriele Garzoglio, Stefan Stonjek, Parag Mhashilkar, Vijay Murthi. | abs0048 talk(ppt) |
16:00--16:20 | BaBar Data Distribution using the Storage Resource Broker. | Dominique Boutigny (LAPP), Cristina Bulfon (INFN), Adil Hasan (SLAC), Wilko Kroeger (SLAC), Liliana Martin (Paris VI et VII), Jean-Yves Nief (ccin2p3). On behalf of the BaBar Computing Group | abs0103 talk(ppt) |
16:20--16:40 | Interfacing the Storage Resource Broker and the GIGGLE framework | Tim Barrass, Owen Maroney, Simon Metson, David Newbold | abs0124 talk(ppt) |
Time | Title | Authors | Abstract |
10:30--11:10 | Realtime Analysis for the ALICE High Level Trigger | V. Lindenstruth, C. Loizides, D. Roehrich, B. Skaali, T. Steinbeck, R. Stock, H. Tilsner, K. Ullaland, A. Vestbo and T. Vik for the ALICE Collaboration | abs0027 talk(pdf) |
11:10--11:50 | The Belle computing system | I.Adachi, R.Itoh, N.Katayama, T.Tsukamoto, T.Hibino, M.Yokoyama | abs0052 talk(ppt) |
11:50--12:30 | Data management and online monitor for KamLAND | Masakazu MOTOKI | abs0122 talk(pdf) |
Time | Title | Authors | Abstract |
14:00--14:20 | The new BaBar Computing and Analysis Model | Peter Elmer for the BaBar computing group | abs0072 talk(pdf) |
14:20--14:40 | A Data Grid Environment and Testbed for the Analysis of Data from the Belle Experiment | Glenn R. Moloney, Lyle J. Winton, Steven Melnikoff, Rajkumar Buyya, Andrew Wendelborn, Paul Coddington | abs0081 talk(pdf) |
14:40--15:00 | Configuration Monitoring Tool for Large-scale Distributed Computing | Y. Wu, G. Graham, X. Lu, A. Afaq, B. J. Kim and I. Fisk | abs0098 talk(ppt) |
15:00--15:20 | A Basic R&D for an Analysis Framework Distributed on Wide Area Network | M. Ishino, T. Kawamoto, T. Kobayashi, T. Mashimo, H. Matsumoto, H. Sakamoto, J. Tanaka, I. Ueda, S. Kawabata, A. Manabe, Y. Morita, T. Sasaki, H. Sato and W. Watase | abs0128 talk(ppt) |
Time | Title | Authors | Abstract |
15:40--16:00 | Grid portal based data management for Lattice QCD data | G.Andronico, R.Barbera, A.Falzone | abs0035 talk(ppt) |
16:00--16:20 | Parallel Interactive Analysis on tsis on the GRID using PROOF and CONDORe GRID using PROOF and CONDOR | Maarten Ballintijn, Fons Rademakers | abs0038 talk(ppt) |
16:20--16:40 | OGSA/GT3 evaluation activity at CERN | M. Lamanna et al. | abs0059 talk(ppt) |
16:40--17:00 | On application of queueing theory to development of optimal GRID schedulers | Serge S. Bityukov | abs0064 talk(ppt) |
Time | Title | Authors | Abstract |
10:30--11:10 | CMS Distributed Data Analysis Challenges | Lucas TAYLOR, on behalf of the CMS Collaboration | abs0097 talk(ppt) |
11:10--11:50 | Distributed Analysis with AliEn and ROOT | A.-J. Peters, R. Brun, P. Buncic, F. Carminati, J.-F. Grosse-Oestinghaus, E. Imamagic, F. Rademakers, P. Saiz, for the Alice Collaboration | abs0086 talk(pdf) |
11:50--12:10 | Cross-platform approach to create the interactive application based on ROOT and Qt GUI libraries | R.Brun, V.Fine., J.Lauret, F.Rademarkers | abs0112 talk(ppt) |
12:10--12:30 | Visualization of the ROOT 3D class objects with Open Inventor-like viewers | Valeri Fine, Mikhail Panebrattsev, Alexander Kulikov | abs0113 talk(ppt) |
Time | Title | Authors | Abstract |
10:30--10:50 | Configuring Systems from Components: The EMS Approach | J.M.Nogiec, K.Trombly-Freytag, D.Walbridge | abs0056 talk(ppt) |
10:50--11:10 | Status of the LCG Physicist Interface (PI) project | A.Pfeiffer | abs0092 talk(ppt) |
11:10--11:30 | Software packaging with DAR | Natalia Ratnikova, Tony Wildish, Veronique Lefebure, Greg Graham, Anzar Afaq | abs0114 talk(ppt) |
11:30--11:50 | The SEAL project: Common core libraries and services for LHC applications | Jacek Generowicz, Massimo Marino, Pere Mato, Lorenzo Moneta, Stefan Roiser, Lassi Tuura, Matthias Winkler | abs0120 talk(ppt) |
11:50--12:10 | A Processes Oriented, Discrete Event Simulation Framework for Modelling and Design of Large Scale Distributed Systems | I.C.Legrand, H.B. Newman, F. Lingen, C. Dobre , C. Stratan, K. Paschen | abs0131 talk(ppt) |
Time | Title | Authors | Abstract |
14:00--14:20 | A Universal Framework for Online Data Validation | G. Organtini et al. | abs0031 talk(ppt) |
14:20--14:40 | Developing a transport layer component for the DAQ framework of the CMS Experiment | M. Kozlovszky on behalf of CMS collaboration | abs0051 talk(ppt) |
14:40--15:00 | Realtime Event Reconstruction Farm for Belle Experiment | Ryosuke Itoh | abs0125 talk(pdf) |
15:00--15:20 | Development of a data acquisition program builder via a user interface | F.Fujiwara, N.Tamura, M.Abe, S.Enomoto, G.Iwai, S.Kawabata, A.Manabe, Y.Nagasaka, I.Nakano, H.Sakamoto, Y.Sakamoto, T.Sasaki, R.Tanaka | abs0129 talk(ppt) |
Time | Title | Authors | Abstract |
15:40--16:00 | First experiences with the Infiniband Interconnect | Andreas Heiss, Ulrich Schwickerath | abs0015 talk(pdf) |
16:00--16:20 | Evaluation of Longitudinal Emittance Growth Caused by Negative Mass Instability in Proton Synchrotrons | James A. MacLachlan | abs0057 talk(pdf) |
16:20--16:40 | Using a Mobile Agent Architecture to Monitor, Control and Optimize the Operation of Distributed Systems | I.C.Legrand, H.B. Newman, P. Galvez, C. Cirstoiu , R. Voicu | abs0130 talk(ppt) |
16:40--17:00 | KONOE, a toolkit for an object-oriented online environment, with Gate Package | M.Abe, Y.Nagasaka, T.Fujiwara, T.Tamura, I.Nakano, H.Sakamoto,Y.Sakamoto, S.Enomoto, I.Iwai, R.Tanaka, S,Kawabara, A.Manabe, T.Sasaki | abs1006 talk(ppt) |
Time | Title | Authors | Abstract |
14:00--14:20 | Parametric Optimization in Distributed Environments | Ruediger Berlich; Marcel Kunze | abs0047 talk(pdf) |
14:20--14:40 | Distinguishability of Hypotheses | S.I. Bityukov(IHEP), N.V. Krasnikov (INR RAS) | abs0084 talk(ppt) |
Time | Title | Authors | Abstract |
15:40--16:00 | Physics Validation of Detector Simulation Tools for LHC | Juerg Beringer | abs0023 talk(pdf) |
16:00--16:40 | Geant4 - a simulation toolkit | Makoto Asai on behalf of the Geant4 Collaboration | abs0053 talk(ppt) |
16:40--17:00 | Interactive GUI for Geant4 | K. Murakami, KEK; H. Yoshidah, M. Nagamatsu, K. Minamimoto, Naruto University of Education; A. Johnson, M. Donszelmann, J. Perl, V. Serbo, M. Turri, SLAC | abs0082 talk(ppt) |
Time | Title | Authors | Abstract |
14:00--14:20 | Jet reconstruction in a digital hadronic calorimeter | Anatoly Sokolov | abs0032 talk(pdf) |
14:20--14:40 | A Bayesian statistical method for particle identification in shower counters | N.Takashimizu, A.Kimura, A.shibata and T.Sasaki | abs0036 talk(ppt) |
14:40--15:00 | A Matched Filter System for Muon Detection with Tilecal | R. R. Ramos, J. M. Seixas and A. S. Cerqueira | abs0068 talk(ppt) |
15:00--15:20 | The Genetic Algorithm for a Signal Enhancement | L.Karimova, Y.Kuandykov, N.Makarenko | abs0067 talk(ppt) |
Time | Title | Authors | Abstract |
15:40--16:00 | Object-Oriented Data Analysis Environment for Neutron Scattering | Jiro Suzuki, Koichi Murakami, Atsushi Mababe, Setsuya Kawabata, Toshiya Otomo and Michihiro Furusaka | abs0005 talk(pdf) |
16:00--16:20 | 'RecPack': An Object Oriented code to fit dynamic trajectories. | A Cervera, J.J. Gomez-Cadenas, JA Hernando | abs0061 talk(ppt) |
16:20--16:40 | JAS3 - current status and prospects. | A. Johnson, M. Donszelmann, J. Perl, V. Serbo, M. Turri , SLAC | abs0083 talk(ppt) |
16:40--17:00 | Online Neural Trigger for Optimizing Data Acquisition DuringParticle Beam Calibration Tests with Calorimeters | Paulo Vitor Magacho da Silva, Jose Manoel de Seixas, Denis Oliveira Damazio and Bruno Carneiro Ferreira | abs0107 talk(pdf) |
Time | Title | Authors | Abstract |
10:30--10:50 | k*(892)0 reconstruction in ALICE | A. Badala', R. Barbera, G. Lo Re, A. Palmeri, G. S. Pappalardo, A. Pulvirenti, F. Riggi | abs0011 talk(ppt) |
10:50--11:10 | Photon Reconstruction in the CMS Experiment | Jukka Nysten | abs0105 talk(ppt) |
11:10--11:30 | The Klong reconstruction for the Belle experiment at KEK B-factory | Mitsuhiro Yamaga | abs0055 talk(ppt) |
11:30--11:50 | Neutral B flavor tagging for the CP Violation study at Belle | H.Kakuno, K.Hara, B.C.K.Casey, K.F.Chen, H.Hamasaki, M.Hazumi, T.Iijima, N.Katayama, T.Okabe, Y.Sakai, K.Sumisawa, J.Suzuki, T.Tomura, K.Ueno, C.C.Wang and Y.Watanabe | abs0080 talk(pdf) |
11:50--12:10 | Tagging with fully reconstructed B's in B-factory experiments | Takahiro Matsumoto | abs0085 talk(ppt) |
12:10--12:30 | Statistical Learning Methods | Jens Zimmermann | abs0050 talk(ppt) |
Time | Title | Authors | Abstract |
10:30--10:50 | Optimal Jet Finder | D.Yu. Grigoriev, E. Jankowski, F.V. Tkachov | abs0014 talk(pdf) |
10:50--11:10 | Combined tracking in the ALICE detector | A. Badala', R. Barbera, G. Lo Re, A. Palmeri, G.S. Pappalardo, A. Pulvirenti, F. Riggi for the ALICE Collaboration | abs0022 talk(ppt) |
11:10--11:30 | Vertex fitting with a Gaussian-sum filter | R. Fruehwirth and T.Speer | abs0026 talk(pdf) |
11:30--11:50 | Coordinate reconstruction alghorithm for high energy photons in liquid krypton calorimeter. | Guennadion Pospelov behalf of Kedr collaboration | abs0046 talk(ppt) |
11:50--12:10 | Using a neural network approach to improve the ATLAS muon reconstruction and triggering. | H. Abramowicz, Y. Benhammou, G. Dror, E. Etzion, D. Horn, L. Levinson, R. Livneh | abs0037 talk(ppt) |
Time | Title | Authors | Abstract |
14:00--14:40 | The rules of physics | J. Vermaseren | abs0123 talk(pdf) |
14:40--15:00 | Progress in FDC project | Jian-Xiong Wang | abs0018 talk(pdf) |
15:00--15:20 | Automatic One-Loop Calculation of MSSM Processes with GRACE | J.Fujimoto, T.Ishikawa, M.Jimbo, T.Kon and M.Kuroda | abs0127 talk(pdf) |
Time | Title | Authors | Abstract |
10:30--10:50 | CompHEP based event generators for colliders | E.Boos (On behalf of the CompHEP collaboration) | abs0021 talk(pdf) |
10:50--11:10 | Observables with tau leptons at LHC and LC, structure of event records and Monte Carlo algorithms | Z Was | abs0039 talk(pdf) |
11:10--11:30 | Six-fermion physics at the LHC with PHASE | Accomando, Ballestrero, Maina | abs0101 talk(pdf) |
11:30--11:50 | Loop integration results using numerical extrapolation and symbolic manipulation | E. de Doncker, Y. Shimizu, F. Fujimoto, F. Yuasa, L. Cucos, R. Zanny | abs0117 |
11:50--12:10 | POUZYRY: a new class of algorithms for modelling a function from a random sample | F.V.Tkachov | abs0012 talk(pdf) |
12:10--12:30 | Mathematical Structure of QCD Wilson Coefficients and Anomalous Dimensions | Johannes Bluemlein, DESY | abs0041 talk(pdf) |
Time | Title | Authors | Abstract |
14:00--14:20 | DIANA and applications to fermion production in electron positron annihilation | Jochem Fleischer | abs1003 talk(pdf) |
14:20--14:40 | Towards automated use of Diana | Riemann, T. | abs1002 talk(pdf) |
14:40--15:00 | Application of Groebner basis method to evaluation of Feynman diagrams | Oleg Tarasov | abs1004 talk(pdf) |
15:00--15:20 | Steps towards full two-loop calculations for 2 fermion to 2 fermion processes | Fred Jegerlehner | abs1005 talk(pdf) |
Time | Title | Authors | Abstract |
15:40--16:00 | Potential Reconstruction for Two-Dimensional Discrete Shcroedinger Equation | S.I.Serdyukova | abs0004 talk(pdf) |
16:00--16:20 | Nontrivial Quantum Patterns: Zoo of the Solutions of Wigner-Moyal Equations | Antonina N. Fedorova, Michael G. Zeitlin | abs0029 talk(pdf) |
16:20--16:40 | A constructive formula for function of a matrix. (Alternative to the Lagrange-Silvestre formula). | V. N. Robuk | abs0058 talk(pdf) |
Time | Title | Authors | Abstract |
10:50--11:10 | Categorification of Fourier Transforms, Efficient Computation and Computing Intelligence | Nikolaj M. Glazunov | abs0044 talk(pdf) |
11:10--11:30 | Numerical experiments with ground on AED-theory. | Konash A., Buka P., Bagnich S., Kaupuzs J., Mahnke R. | abs0109 talk(html) |
Time | Title | Authors | Abstract |
10:30--10:50 | Current status and the future of CompHEP | A.Kryukov ( On behalf of CompHEP collaboration) | abs0016 talk(ppt) |
10:50--11:10 | CompHEP development for parallel calculation of particle processes at LHC | A.Kryukov, L.Shamardin | abs0017 talk(ppt) |
11:10--11:30 | Full one-loop electroweak radiative corrections to single photon production in $e^+e^-$ | KEK-LAPTH Collaboration | abs0126 talk(ppt) |
Title | Authors | Abstract |
Monitoring system for OpenPBS environment | V.Kolosov, E.Lioublev, S.Makarychev | abs0062 talk(pdf) |
Large scale data flow simulations in local and GRID environment | E.Lioublev, V.Kolosov | abs0063 |
A Coherent Environment of Software Improvement Tools for CMS | Lucas Taylor, on behalf of the CMS Collaboration | abs0099 |
High-performance 2D and 3D Visualisation System | Lucas Taylor, on behalf of CMS | abs0100 |
Physicist analysis desktop core prototype for CMS | Lassi Tuura, on behalf of CMS experiment | abs0110 |
Application Workflow Management on the GRID | Jakub T.Moscicki | abs0121 |
Failure and dependencies of processes within models for the CMS DC04 using the MONARC simulation framework and monitoring data | Frank van Lingen, Kathrin Paschen, Iosif Legrand, Ciprian Dobre, Corina Stratan | abs0132 |
Title | Authors | Abstract |
Experimental test of the probability density function of true value of Poisson distribution parameter for observed number of events | S.I. Bityukov, V.A. Medvedev, V.V. Smirnova (IHEP, Protvino) | abs0087 talk(pdf) |
Title | Authors | Abstract |
Localization and Patterns Formation in (Nonlinear) Collective Dynamics | Antonina N. Fedorova, Michael G. Zeitlin | abs0030 |