(Scheduled Program. revised at 28 Nov. 2003)

Plenary Session1 Session2 Session3 List of abstracts

      | 1 Dec Mon | 2 Dec Tue | 3 Dec Wed | 4 Dec Thu | 5 Dec Fri |
 9:00 +-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+
      |           |           |           |           |           |
      | Registr'n |  Plenary  |  Plenary  |  Plenary  |  summary  |
      |           |           |           |           |           |
      |           |           |           |           |           |
10:00 +           +-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+
10:30 +           +-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+
      |           | 6 Talks   | 6 Talks   | 6 Talks   |           |
11:00 +-----------+ Session1+2| Session1  | Session1  |  summary  |
      | Opening   |           | Session2  | Session2  |           |
11:30 +-----------+ Session3  | Session3  | Session3  |           |
      | Plenary   |           |           |           |           |
12:30 +-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+
14:00 +-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+
      | 4 Talks   | 4 Talks   |           | 4 Talks   | 
      | Session1  | Session1  |   Round   | Session1a |
      | Session2  | Session2  |   Table   | Session1b |
      | Session3  | Session3  |           |           |
15:20 +-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+
15:40 +-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+
      | 4 Talks   | 4 Talks   |           | 4 Talks   | 
      | Session1  | Session1  | KEK Tour  | Session1  |
      | Session2  | Session2  |           | Session2  |
      | Session3  | Session3  |           |           |
17:00 +-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+
17:30 +-----------+           |           |
      |  Welcome  |           |  Banquet  |
      |   Party   |           |           |
      +-----------+           +-----------+

Plenary session (Bldg. No.3 Seminar Hall)

Date Time Title Speaker abst. Chair.
1 Dec (Mon) 9:00--11:00Registration
1 Dec (Mon) 11:00--11:30Opening Session: Overview of KEK Activity Shin-ichi Kurokawa (KEK) talk1(ppt)
S.Kawabata (KEK)
1 Dec (Mon) 11:30--12:30 The Earth Simulator and Science in the Future Tetsuya Sato (JAMSTEC) abst.
S.Kawabata (KEK)
2 Dec (Tue) 9:00--10:00 Status of the LCG project and highlights of related HEP Grid activity Massimo Lamanna (CERN) talk(ppt) R.Brun (CERN)
3 Dec (Wed) 9:00--10:00 Systematic Analysis of Frontier Energy Collider Data Bruce Knuteson (MIT) abst.
V.A.Ilyin (SINP MSU)
4 Dec (Thu) 9:00--10:00 PHYSTAT2003: the SLAC Conference on statistical problems in Particle Physics, Astrophysics and Cosmology Louis Lyons (Oxford Univ.) abst.
J.Vermersen (NIKHEF)
5 Dec (Fri) 9:00--10:00 Summary (session1) Marcel Kunze (Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe) talk(ppt) R.Brun (CERN)
5 Dec (Fri) 10:30--11:00 Summary (session2) Bruce Denby (Univ. Versailles) talk(pdf) R.Brun (CERN)
5 Dec (Fri) 11:00--11:30 Summary (session3) Jochem Fleischer (Univ. of Bielefeld) talk(pdf) Y.Shimizu (KEK)
5 Dec (Fri) 11:30--11:45Closing Remarks Denis Perret-Gallix (CNRS France) talk(ppt)

Session 1 (Bldg. No.3 Seminar Hall)

1 December 14:00--15:00
Chair.: H.Sakamoto (Tokyo U.)

Time Title Authors Abstract
14:00--14:20 Replica Consistency in a Data Grid A. Domenici, F. Donno, K. Paschen, G. Pucciani, H. Stockinger, K. Stockinger abs0007 talk(ppt)
14:20--14:40 First Experiences with Large SAN Storage in a Linux Cluster Jos Vanwezel abs0071 talk(ppt)
14:40--15:00 The SAM-Grid Fabric Services Gabriele Garzoglio, Igor Terekhov, Andrew Baranovski, Lee Lueking, Parag Mhashilkar, Vijay Murthi abs0115 talk(ppt)

Session 1 (Bldg. No.3 Seminar Hall)

1 December 15:40--17:00
Chair.: L.Moneta (CERN)

Time Title Authors Abstract
15:40--16:00 Experience using grid tools for CDF Physics Morag Burgon-Lyon, A. Stan Thompson, Igor Terekhov, Richard St. Denis, Gabriele Garzoglio, Stefan Stonjek, Parag Mhashilkar, Vijay Murthi. abs0048 talk(ppt)
16:00--16:20 BaBar Data Distribution using the Storage Resource Broker. Dominique Boutigny (LAPP), Cristina Bulfon (INFN), Adil Hasan (SLAC), Wilko Kroeger (SLAC), Liliana Martin (Paris VI et VII), Jean-Yves Nief (ccin2p3). On behalf of the BaBar Computing Group abs0103 talk(ppt)
16:20--16:40 Interfacing the Storage Resource Broker and the GIGGLE framework Tim Barrass, Owen Maroney, Simon Metson, David Newbold abs0124 talk(ppt)

Session 1+2 (Bldg. No.3 Seminar Hall)

2 December 10:30--12:30
Chair.: L.Taylor (CERN)

Time Title Authors Abstract
10:30--11:10 Realtime Analysis for the ALICE High Level Trigger V. Lindenstruth, C. Loizides, D. Roehrich, B. Skaali, T. Steinbeck, R. Stock, H. Tilsner, K. Ullaland, A. Vestbo and T. Vik for the ALICE Collaboration abs0027 talk(pdf)
11:10--11:50 The Belle computing system I.Adachi, R.Itoh, N.Katayama, T.Tsukamoto, T.Hibino, M.Yokoyama abs0052 talk(ppt)
11:50--12:30 Data management and online monitor for KamLAND Masakazu MOTOKI abs0122 talk(pdf)

Session 1 (Bldg. No.3 Seminar Hall)

2 December 14:00--15:20
Chair.: V.Fine (BNL)

Time Title Authors Abstract
14:00--14:20 The new BaBar Computing and Analysis Model Peter Elmer for the BaBar computing group abs0072 talk(pdf)
14:20--14:40 A Data Grid Environment and Testbed for the Analysis of Data from the Belle Experiment Glenn R. Moloney, Lyle J. Winton, Steven Melnikoff, Rajkumar Buyya, Andrew Wendelborn, Paul Coddington abs0081 talk(pdf)
14:40--15:00 Configuration Monitoring Tool for Large-scale Distributed Computing Y. Wu, G. Graham, X. Lu, A. Afaq, B. J. Kim and I. Fisk abs0098 talk(ppt)
15:00--15:20 A Basic R&D for an Analysis Framework Distributed on Wide Area Network M. Ishino, T. Kawamoto, T. Kobayashi, T. Mashimo, H. Matsumoto, H. Sakamoto, J. Tanaka, I. Ueda, S. Kawabata, A. Manabe, Y. Morita, T. Sasaki, H. Sato and W. Watase abs0128 talk(ppt)

Session 1 (Bldg. No.3 Seminar Hall)

2 December 15:40--17:00
Chair.: A.Hassan (SLAC)

Time Title Authors Abstract
15:40--16:00 Grid portal based data management for Lattice QCD data G.Andronico, R.Barbera, A.Falzone abs0035 talk(ppt)
16:00--16:20 Parallel Interactive Analysis on tsis on the GRID using PROOF and CONDORe GRID using PROOF and CONDOR Maarten Ballintijn, Fons Rademakers abs0038 talk(ppt)
16:20--16:40 OGSA/GT3 evaluation activity at CERN M. Lamanna et al. abs0059 talk(ppt)
16:40--17:00 On application of queueing theory to development of optimal GRID schedulers Serge S. Bityukov abs0064 talk(ppt)

Session 1 (Bldg. No.3 Seminar Hall)

3 December 10:30--12:30
Chair.: G.Organtini (INFN Roma)

Time Title Authors Abstract
10:30--11:10 CMS Distributed Data Analysis Challenges Lucas TAYLOR, on behalf of the CMS Collaboration abs0097 talk(ppt)
11:10--11:50 Distributed Analysis with AliEn and ROOT A.-J. Peters, R. Brun, P. Buncic, F. Carminati, J.-F. Grosse-Oestinghaus, E. Imamagic, F. Rademakers, P. Saiz, for the Alice Collaboration abs0086 talk(pdf)
11:50--12:10 Cross-platform approach to create the interactive application based on ROOT and Qt GUI libraries R.Brun, V.Fine., J.Lauret, F.Rademarkers abs0112 talk(ppt)
12:10--12:30 Visualization of the ROOT 3D class objects with Open Inventor-like viewers Valeri Fine, Mikhail Panebrattsev, Alexander Kulikov abs0113 talk(ppt)

Session 1

3 December 14:00--15:20

Round Table Discussion

Chair.: R.Brun (CERN)
Bldg. No.3 Seminar Hall

Session 1 (Bldg. No.3 Seminar Hall)

4 December 10:30--12:30
Chair.: V.Kolosov (ITEP Moscow)

Time Title Authors Abstract
10:30--10:50 Configuring Systems from Components: The EMS Approach J.M.Nogiec, K.Trombly-Freytag, D.Walbridge abs0056 talk(ppt)
10:50--11:10 Status of the LCG Physicist Interface (PI) project A.Pfeiffer abs0092 talk(ppt)
11:10--11:30 Software packaging with DAR Natalia Ratnikova, Tony Wildish, Veronique Lefebure, Greg Graham, Anzar Afaq abs0114 talk(ppt)
11:30--11:50 The SEAL project: Common core libraries and services for LHC applications Jacek Generowicz, Massimo Marino, Pere Mato, Lorenzo Moneta, Stefan Roiser, Lassi Tuura, Matthias Winkler abs0120 talk(ppt)
11:50--12:10 A Processes Oriented, Discrete Event Simulation Framework for Modelling and Design of Large Scale Distributed Systems I.C.Legrand, H.B. Newman, F. Lingen, C. Dobre , C. Stratan, K. Paschen abs0131 talk(ppt)

Session 1 (Bldg. No.3 Seminar Hall)

4 December 14:00--15:20
Chair.: Y.Wu (FNAL)

Time Title Authors Abstract
14:00--14:20 A Universal Framework for Online Data Validation G. Organtini et al. abs0031 talk(ppt)
14:20--14:40 Developing a transport layer component for the DAQ framework of the CMS Experiment M. Kozlovszky on behalf of CMS collaboration abs0051 talk(ppt)
14:40--15:00 Realtime Event Reconstruction Farm for Belle Experiment Ryosuke Itoh abs0125 talk(pdf)
15:00--15:20 Development of a data acquisition program builder via a user interface F.Fujiwara, N.Tamura, M.Abe, S.Enomoto, G.Iwai, S.Kawabata, A.Manabe, Y.Nagasaka, I.Nakano, H.Sakamoto, Y.Sakamoto, T.Sasaki, R.Tanaka abs0129 talk(ppt)

Session 1 (Bldg. No.3 Seminar Hall)

4 December 15:40--17:00
Chair: R. Itoh (KEK)

Time Title Authors Abstract
15:40--16:00 First experiences with the Infiniband Interconnect Andreas Heiss, Ulrich Schwickerath abs0015 talk(pdf)
16:00--16:20 Evaluation of Longitudinal Emittance Growth Caused by Negative Mass Instability in Proton Synchrotrons James A. MacLachlan abs0057 talk(pdf)
16:20--16:40 Using a Mobile Agent Architecture to Monitor, Control and Optimize the Operation of Distributed Systems I.C.Legrand, H.B. Newman, P. Galvez, C. Cirstoiu , R. Voicu abs0130 talk(ppt)
16:40--17:00 KONOE, a toolkit for an object-oriented online environment, with Gate Package M.Abe, Y.Nagasaka, T.Fujiwara, T.Tamura, I.Nakano, H.Sakamoto,Y.Sakamoto, S.Enomoto, I.Iwai, R.Tanaka, S,Kawabara, A.Manabe, T.Sasaki abs1006 talk(ppt)

Session 2 (Bldg. No.4 Seminar Hall)

1 December 14:00--15:20
chair: K.Tokushuku (KEK)

Time Title Authors Abstract
14:00--14:20 Parametric Optimization in Distributed Environments Ruediger Berlich; Marcel Kunze abs0047 talk(pdf)
14:20--14:40 Distinguishability of Hypotheses S.I. Bityukov(IHEP), N.V. Krasnikov (INR RAS) abs0084 talk(ppt)

Session 2 (Bldg. No.4 Seminar Hall)

1 December 15:40--17:00
chair: K.Amako (KEK)

Time Title Authors Abstract
15:40--16:00 Physics Validation of Detector Simulation Tools for LHC Juerg Beringer abs0023 talk(pdf)
16:00--16:40 Geant4 - a simulation toolkit Makoto Asai on behalf of the Geant4 Collaboration abs0053 talk(ppt)
16:40--17:00 Interactive GUI for Geant4 K. Murakami, KEK; H. Yoshidah, M. Nagamatsu, K. Minamimoto, Naruto University of Education; A. Johnson, M. Donszelmann, J. Perl, V. Serbo, M. Turri, SLAC abs0082 talk(ppt)

Session 1+2 joint session (Bldg. No.3 Seminar Hall)

2 December 10:30--12:30
Chair.: L.Taylor (CERN)

Session 2 (Bldg. No.4 Seminar Hall)

2 December 14:00--15:20
G.Pospelov (BINP Novosibirsk)

Time Title Authors Abstract
14:00--14:20 Jet reconstruction in a digital hadronic calorimeter Anatoly Sokolov abs0032 talk(pdf)
14:20--14:40 A Bayesian statistical method for particle identification in shower counters N.Takashimizu, A.Kimura, A.shibata and T.Sasaki abs0036 talk(ppt)
14:40--15:00 A Matched Filter System for Muon Detection with Tilecal R. R. Ramos, J. M. Seixas and A. S. Cerqueira abs0068 talk(ppt)
15:00--15:20 The Genetic Algorithm for a Signal Enhancement L.Karimova, Y.Kuandykov, N.Makarenko abs0067 talk(ppt)

Session 2 (Bldg. No.4 Seminar Hall)

2 December 15:40--17:00
chair: T.Speer (U.Zurich)

Time Title Authors Abstract
15:40--16:00 Object-Oriented Data Analysis Environment for Neutron Scattering Jiro Suzuki, Koichi Murakami, Atsushi Mababe, Setsuya Kawabata, Toshiya Otomo and Michihiro Furusaka abs0005 talk(pdf)
16:00--16:20 'RecPack': An Object Oriented code to fit dynamic trajectories. A Cervera, J.J. Gomez-Cadenas, JA Hernando abs0061 talk(ppt)
16:20--16:40 JAS3 - current status and prospects. A. Johnson, M. Donszelmann, J. Perl, V. Serbo, M. Turri , SLAC abs0083 talk(ppt)
16:40--17:00 Online Neural Trigger for Optimizing Data Acquisition DuringParticle Beam Calibration Tests with Calorimeters Paulo Vitor Magacho da Silva, Jose Manoel de Seixas, Denis Oliveira Damazio and Bruno Carneiro Ferreira abs0107 talk(pdf)

Session 2 (Bldg. No.4 Seminar Hall)

3 December 10:30--12:30
chair: B.Denby (UVSQ France)

Time Title Authors Abstract
10:30--10:50 k*(892)0 reconstruction in ALICE A. Badala', R. Barbera, G. Lo Re, A. Palmeri, G. S. Pappalardo, A. Pulvirenti, F. Riggi abs0011 talk(ppt)
10:50--11:10 Photon Reconstruction in the CMS Experiment Jukka Nysten abs0105 talk(ppt)
11:10--11:30 The Klong reconstruction for the Belle experiment at KEK B-factory Mitsuhiro Yamaga abs0055 talk(ppt)
11:30--11:50 Neutral B flavor tagging for the CP Violation study at Belle H.Kakuno, K.Hara, B.C.K.Casey, K.F.Chen, H.Hamasaki, M.Hazumi, T.Iijima, N.Katayama, T.Okabe, Y.Sakai, K.Sumisawa, J.Suzuki, T.Tomura, K.Ueno, C.C.Wang and Y.Watanabe abs0080 talk(pdf)
11:50--12:10 Tagging with fully reconstructed B's in B-factory experiments Takahiro Matsumoto abs0085 talk(ppt)
12:10--12:30 Statistical Learning Methods Jens Zimmermann abs0050 talk(ppt)

Session 2

3 December 14:00--15:20

Round Table Discussion

chair.: C.Kiesling (Muenchen)
Bldg. No.4 Seminar Hall

Session 2 (Bldg. No.4 Seminar Hall)

4 December 10:30--12:30
chair: Y.Watase (KEK)

Time Title Authors Abstract
10:30--10:50 Optimal Jet Finder D.Yu. Grigoriev, E. Jankowski, F.V. Tkachov abs0014 talk(pdf)
10:50--11:10 Combined tracking in the ALICE detector A. Badala', R. Barbera, G. Lo Re, A. Palmeri, G.S. Pappalardo, A. Pulvirenti, F. Riggi for the ALICE Collaboration abs0022 talk(ppt)
11:10--11:30 Vertex fitting with a Gaussian-sum filter R. Fruehwirth and T.Speer abs0026 talk(pdf)
11:30--11:50 Coordinate reconstruction alghorithm for high energy photons in liquid krypton calorimeter. Guennadion Pospelov behalf of Kedr collaboration abs0046 talk(ppt)
11:50--12:10 Using a neural network approach to improve the ATLAS muon reconstruction and triggering. H. Abramowicz, Y. Benhammou, G. Dror, E. Etzion, D. Horn, L. Levinson, R. Livneh abs0037 talk(ppt)

Session 3 (KEK Int'l Center Lounge 1)

1 December 14:00--15:20
chair: T.Riemann (DESY)

Time Title Authors Abstract
14:00--14:40 The rules of physics J. Vermaseren abs0123 talk(pdf)
14:40--15:00 Progress in FDC project Jian-Xiong Wang abs0018 talk(pdf)
15:00--15:20 Automatic One-Loop Calculation of MSSM Processes with GRACE J.Fujimoto, T.Ishikawa, M.Jimbo, T.Kon and M.Kuroda abs0127 talk(pdf)

Session 3 (KEK Int'l Center Lounge 1)

2 December 10:30--12:30
chair: J.Vermaseren (NIKHEF)

Time Title Authors Abstract
10:30--10:50 CompHEP based event generators for colliders E.Boos (On behalf of the CompHEP collaboration) abs0021 talk(pdf)
10:50--11:10 Observables with tau leptons at LHC and LC, structure of event records and Monte Carlo algorithms Z Was abs0039 talk(pdf)
11:10--11:30 Six-fermion physics at the LHC with PHASE Accomando, Ballestrero, Maina abs0101 talk(pdf)
11:30--11:50 Loop integration results using numerical extrapolation and symbolic manipulation E. de Doncker, Y. Shimizu, F. Fujimoto, F. Yuasa, L. Cucos, R. Zanny abs0117
11:50--12:10 POUZYRY: a new class of algorithms for modelling a function from a random sample F.V.Tkachov abs0012 talk(pdf)
12:10--12:30 Mathematical Structure of QCD Wilson Coefficients and Anomalous Dimensions Johannes Bluemlein, DESY abs0041 talk(pdf)

Session 3 (KEK Int'l Center Lounge 1)

2 December 14:00--15:20
chair: Z.Was (IFJ Krakow)

Time Title Authors Abstract
14:00--14:20 DIANA and applications to fermion production in electron positron annihilation Jochem Fleischer abs1003 talk(pdf)
14:20--14:40 Towards automated use of Diana Riemann, T. abs1002 talk(pdf)
14:40--15:00 Application of Groebner basis method to evaluation of Feynman diagrams Oleg Tarasov abs1004 talk(pdf)
15:00--15:20 Steps towards full two-loop calculations for 2 fermion to 2 fermion processes Fred Jegerlehner abs1005 talk(pdf)

Session 3 (KEK Int'l Center Lounge 1)

2 December 15:40--17:00
chair: E.Boos (SINP MSU)

Time Title Authors Abstract
15:40--16:00 Potential Reconstruction for Two-Dimensional Discrete Shcroedinger Equation S.I.Serdyukova abs0004 talk(pdf)
16:00--16:20 Nontrivial Quantum Patterns: Zoo of the Solutions of Wigner-Moyal Equations Antonina N. Fedorova, Michael G. Zeitlin abs0029 talk(pdf)
16:20--16:40 A constructive formula for function of a matrix. (Alternative to the Lagrange-Silvestre formula). V. N. Robuk abs0058 talk(pdf)

Session 3 (KEK Int'l Center Lounge 1)

3 December 10:30--12:10
chair: J.Bluemlein (DESY)

Time Title Authors Abstract
10:50--11:10 Categorification of Fourier Transforms, Efficient Computation and Computing Intelligence Nikolaj M. Glazunov abs0044 talk(pdf)
11:10--11:30 Numerical experiments with ground on AED-theory. Konash A., Buka P., Bagnich S., Kaupuzs J., Mahnke R. abs0109 talk(html)

Session 3

3 December 14:00--15:20

Round Table Discussion

chair: V.A.Ilyin (SINP MSU)
KEK Int'l Center Lounge 1

Session 3 (KEK Int'l Center Lounge 1)

4 December 10:30--12:10
chair: J-X. Wang (IHEP Beijin)

Time Title Authors Abstract
10:30--10:50 Current status and the future of CompHEP A.Kryukov ( On behalf of CompHEP collaboration) abs0016 talk(ppt)
10:50--11:10 CompHEP development for parallel calculation of particle processes at LHC A.Kryukov, L.Shamardin abs0017 talk(ppt)
11:10--11:30 Full one-loop electroweak radiative corrections to single photon production in $e^+e^-$ KEK-LAPTH Collaboration abs0126 talk(ppt)

Poster session (Bldg. No.3 1F Conference Room)

session 1

Title Authors Abstract
Monitoring system for OpenPBS environment V.Kolosov, E.Lioublev, S.Makarychev abs0062 talk(pdf)
Large scale data flow simulations in local and GRID environment E.Lioublev, V.Kolosov abs0063
A Coherent Environment of Software Improvement Tools for CMS Lucas Taylor, on behalf of the CMS Collaboration abs0099
High-performance 2D and 3D Visualisation System Lucas Taylor, on behalf of CMS abs0100
Physicist analysis desktop core prototype for CMS Lassi Tuura, on behalf of CMS experiment abs0110
Application Workflow Management on the GRID Jakub T.Moscicki abs0121
Failure and dependencies of processes within models for the CMS DC04 using the MONARC simulation framework and monitoring data Frank van Lingen, Kathrin Paschen, Iosif Legrand, Ciprian Dobre, Corina Stratan abs0132

session 2

Title Authors Abstract
Experimental test of the probability density function of true value of Poisson distribution parameter for observed number of events S.I. Bityukov, V.A. Medvedev, V.V. Smirnova (IHEP, Protvino) abs0087 talk(pdf)

session 3

Title Authors Abstract
Localization and Patterns Formation in (Nonlinear) Collective Dynamics Antonina N. Fedorova, Michael G. Zeitlin abs0030